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It’s time for field hospitals


12/11/2020 Turin. The Taurinense Alpine Brigade sets up a drive-through for the Covid rapid test, outside the Allianz stadium. The tents will be able to perform 1,000 antigen tests a day and anyone who enters will be rear-ended without even getting out of the car. *** Local Caption *** 00990763

The pressure on hospitals is becoming more unsustainable every day and the government tries to ease it by focusing on field hospitals and Covid hotels. In a meeting with local authorities, the Minister for Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia, instructed the Commissioner for the emergency Domenico Arcuri to “take immediate action, in agreement with the Regions and Municipalities, to make available the highest possible number of Covid Hotel which will serve to treat the infected without severe symptoms that have difficultiesat to remain in home isolation “.

At the moment, Covid hotels have around 15,000 seats, ma the government would like to increase them by another 20 thousand. The goal, in particular to lighten the burden on first aid, is to have a structure in each province. In the meantime, the question of staff to be employed should be better developed if the people “hospitalized” in Covid hotels – for this reason it would be better to choose buildings close to large hospitals, it was said at the summit – that they need a minimum of assistance medical.

To increase the number of beds destined for those who must be hospitalized, however, the Government will resort to field hospitals. There are not for all regions, the Civil Protection is taking a census of the needs. Two have already been assembled in Nuoro and Perugia, others will leave to reach the regions where the most critical situations will arise.

Yesterday, after the case of the shock video recorded at the Cardarelli hospital in Naples and on the basis of the increasingly high emergency that is recorded in the hospitals of the region located by the Government in the yellow risk area but for days waiting to be moved to a range higher, it was decided to send one to Campania, but it will not be done.

As stated in the afternoon by the President of the Region, Vincenzo De Luca, who – while the Foreign Minister, Luigi Di Maio, asked for the intervention of the army – wrote on social media: “No field hospital will beat in Campania. Our only request has long been to send doctors and the answers have not arrived. The rest is looting ”.

At today’s summit Boccia tried to find De Luca, inviting him more or less covertly to follow the example of the Governors of Emilia – Romania, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Veneto that today with orders on which they have also received the approval of the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, have adopted more restrictive measures thanat provided. “If you want to take stricter measures, we support you like thisì as we have supported Emilia Romagna, Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia today with the agreement given by the Minister of Health ”, Boccia told him. Shortly after the Campania crisis unit made that the Region adoptat “A series of new restrictive ordinances” precisely “in harmony with what is being implemented in other Regions (Emilia, Veneto and Friuli)”.

Lentand focused on the seafront and some streets of Naples, with a high frequency of gatherings, and on cities such as Giugliano and Castellammare di Stabia, where a growing number of infections have been recorded. They could all become red zones tomorrow. Another crucial day for the definition of new restrictive measures to contain the epidemic. Tomorrow, in fact, the control room will meet to elaborate the weekly report with the new data on which the passage of the four regions – Campania, Emilia-Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Veneto – in recent days defined “a risk “by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità and then the Technical Scientific Committee to express its evaluations on the data.

The measures “will arrive between Saturday and Sunday, but will always be given 24 hours after the ordinance of the Minister of Health for the territorial organization”, he has Boccia explained, stating that “there will be no other Dpcm”. The new squeeze will involve the gradual increase in the risk level of the Regions, with the consequent passage of area and color and the establishment of other, increasingly numerous, red areas.

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