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It’s the regional week of health and old age professions

This week is organized by Pôle emploi Bourgogne-Franche-Comté

Credit: Photo archive / Pôle Emploi

By organizing a regional thematic week throughout the territory, Pôle emploi wishes to highlight its offer of support for job seekers towards trades and training allowing them to become operational very quickly and thus meet the many needs of employers. of the sector. It is therefore with nearly forty actions orchestrated by its agencies that Pôle emploi Bourgogne-Franche-Comté is launching this thematic week with the involvement of more than 100 employers in the area.

It is thus, remotely or face-to-face (with respect for the health rules in force), that interested job seekers will be able to participate in recruitment sessions, meet professionals in the sector, discover job opportunities or even training offered on our territory.

Health professions in figures

Health is a sector that accounts for 6% of job vacancies in the region. In 2021, Pôle emploi recorded 7,270 job offers for health professions in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté. This volume is up 29.1% in one year. Find more details on the website of employment center.

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