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“It’s the most exciting time, Ibra is our lighthouse”

The Rossoneri coach at the conference: “It’s the most exciting period, Ibra is our beacon. There will be no Bennacer”

In the near future of epochal corporate changes and the recent past of a badly lost derby between regrets and controversies (“Gli arbitration errors do they compensate? To be like this in the last five games, something needs to happen that hasn’t happened to date “), the very topicality of the Milan leads to Rome, where tomorrow evening Pegs he plays against his ex Lazio a little more hope for the championship. “With five races to go we are fighting to win the Scudetto and we are focused and motivated and ready – explained the Rossoneri coach – We are aware of our strength. It is the most exciting and thrilling time to live. Ibra will leave with us for Rome as Rebic – he added -. But Bennacer will not be therehe remedied a sprained ankle in the derby “.


Referee errors
“Are refereeing mistakes compensated? To be like this in the last five games, something needs to happen that hasn’t happened up to now. Let’s focus on what we can change or determine, that is tomorrow’s match.”
The ranking
“There is no need to exhibit it at Milanello, we are aware of the path we are taking and of the moment we are living, which is the most electrifying and exciting moment we can live. With five games to go, we are fighting to win the Scudetto. we are focused on tomorrow “

The dressing room
“I feel like saying that our fans have already won the Scudetto, they are the best. They pamper us, motivate us, stimulate us, give us energy. Having them so numerous tomorrow can only give us further boost. It doesn’t matter how much the team is doing. after the derby, what we want to do tomorrow night counts “

“Zlatan is the beacon of this team: his willpower is indomitable; he is doing everything to help the team and be available. He will leave with us as well as Rebic who is fine: we are ready”

The rumors about the sale
“We are facing an important moment in the league, with a company and a club always present. A very solid present, the future is not a question to ask me.”

On the Lazio attack
“We face a team with important offensive potential. Immobile is the lighthouse, but there are many other good players. We will have to have a high quality and dribble well against a well-trained team. Injuries during the year prevented us from some rotation, but now what happened in the past matters nothing. We are focused on the present and the future. “

Racing at the same time?
“For me, if things remain this way, the last two days should be played simultaneously with the other teams fighting for the Scudetto. Nobody asked for my opinion, let’s focus on other things.”

“There is no case. Ante suffers from chronic knee tendonitis, he tried but couldn’t make it. Two days of physiotherapy were enough to recover him”

Scudetto goal
“Something has to happen that hasn’t happened up to now”

The Rossoneri attack
“We scored less than we had to score. Our danger indices have always been very high, our effectiveness less. It must not be forgotten that we are first, or second, in the standings and that in the second round together with Juve we are the team that he scored more points. We want to stay there until the end “

What does Milan have more than Inter?
“I don’t know, I don’t care. We have to think about what we have more than tomorrow’s opponents. We will find them motivated, like everyone who has played the game of life rightly against us. We have to make sure that the episodes of life become a we favor “

After the cup derby
“It is very important. We know that the more time passes, the more the result weighs. We have prepared well. It is not so important whether the team is disappointed or recovered, but tomorrow’s game is important. Losing the derby has disappointed us and has not left us. done well, but it remains another competition that must not affect the championship. We weren’t good at exploiting our chances. It will serve as a lesson for the future. “

Three out of five away games
“I don’t think it makes the difference. The difference is made by the motivations, the quality and the state of the team and the determination on every ball.”

Milinkovic obstacle in the median
“Milinkovic’s qualities on the air are a strength of Lazio, but we know him. We have always worked on him with a midfielder with certain characteristics and we could do it tomorrow too.”

“He had some problems physique that did not allow him to train continuously, but now he is fine and is available “

“He is growing rapidly and still has margins in both phases. He is working hard to become an even better player. He will not be available for tomorrow because in the derby he had a sprained ankle and was unable to recover.”

Amarcord Lazio
“It was a wonderful first year, Lazio played good football. As a coach, the only regret I have is Lazio’s second year in which I didn’t manage well the dynamics that I would now manage differently.”

Playing against Sarri
“I expect a quality team, well placed on the pitch. Lazio defends by attacking forward. Sarri is a very prepared coach. I expect Lazio who will seek depth for Immobile with the insertions of offensive players. An organized and quality team. “

Changes and new goals
“Last year at this point we did not know if we would go to the Champions League, today we know that we want to try to win this Scudetto. In each of us there must be that emotion that must make us go beyond our possibilities. We need to have a warm heart. and my head very cold “

Brahim Diaz
“The position on the pitch? It always depends on the matches and the opponents. The other night Inter were waiting for us and they were crushed, there were no spaces between the lines. It depends on the situations.”

The match with Lazio as a cycling climb?
“There are so many … It’s a climb. It will depend on us whether it can be a climb with more difficult slopes or a pedalable climb. It depends only on us. We have already overcome several challenges in the past and this must give us even more strength. for a match like tomorrow “

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