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“It’s Tedious”: New York Concern Over Possible Health Worker Shortage Due to Vaccination Mandate | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

life in the possibility ofpass a tax reform.this Monday, September 27 at11:59 at nightthe order ofthat all employees of thehealth in new york esénthose who prefer to leavetheir jobs beforeimmunize, hospitalsbe contingency plansas reduction of surgerieselectives.the governor also announcesmeasures to address apossible shortage of staff.damaris íaz brings us up to dateof the recent ace.reporter: those who work inhospitals and homesold people in new york what ahave not received the firstdose of the vaccine againstcovid19 will be unemployedfrom 12:00 am onTuesday, September 28 byviolate the mandate that requiresthat all the workers ofhealth in the state eséninoculated, a veryworrisome, not only forwho will have to abandontheir positions, as they say>> if being the staff thatthey are going to liquidate is something tedious,Imagine him firing him.there is chaos.>> I feel very worried,because this hospital inwashington heights, cualquieremergency for the person to go,it has to be taken care of.reporter: according to theregulation issued by thehealth department ofstate, the care staffdomiciliary, sponsorship andadult care as wellthey will have to acquire the mandatebefore October 7.This New Yorker is dedicated toadult care throughan agency and has not beenthe vaccine.>> I will have to access that inagainst my will.reporter: are you willing tostay income?>> no, imagine yourself, how am I going toto live?he had to.possible staff shortagedue to the mandate ofvaccination, the governorsign an acoustic order fordeclare a state of emergencyin new york if necessary.this order allowed himfill the positions that arewere left empty as ofTuesday calling members ofthe national guard,licensed health in otherstates or pises, hiringretired with an educational backgroundand recent graduates ofmedical institutes.Through a statement, thegovernor also said thatis exploring ways toexpedite requests forvisa for medical professionals.>> there may be people whodecided to lose your jobto get the vaccine, but thescience has said:vaccines are effective, they aresafe and necessary.we beg of allhospital employees and allthese sectors, please,go to get vaccinated.It’s not too latewith the first injectionyou can followworking in this sector soimportant.reporter: the workers ofthey will be fired and they will not be ablehave the insurance ofunemployment for not having thecriteria, unless they have acriteria of medical accommodation

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