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– It’s right up his ass

It was a completely normal day’s work for truck driver Dan, when he had to make a stop at the Dusavik plant in Stavanger to do what he needed.

However, the drug visit ended in disaster.

A couple of minutes after the man sits on the thorn, the fatal thing happens.

– I understand suddenly the go to the stern, the man says to Dagbladet.

– It was completely insane, he adds.

The syringe rises directly from the container, says he, who was the first to report on the incident Stavanger Aftenblad.

With the pants on the knees

In a panic, he jumps off the tile and runs out of the room. On the way, she loses both her cell phone and her glasses, before she can close the door while the spray is on.

When he finally opens the door again, there is sewage, shit and piss all over the walls and ceiling.

The cell phone is broken in a puddle of sewage on the floor and the glasses are broken.

Dan himself is standing in the hallway with his pants over his knees.

– Luckily, there was no one else in there, he says.

DESTROYED: Dan had both his glasses and cell phone destroyed in the crash.  Photo: private

DESTROYED: Dan had both his glasses and cell phone destroyed in the crash. Photo: private
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Asked if it was safe

When the truck driver arrived at the barracks, however, he suspected there was danger along the way. He noticed that an operator from the JTR sewage company was outside, washing pipes in the street.

– I was hit by a bad smell when I entered, so I went to ask if it was safe to go to the bathroom, the man says.

He was told it was completely safe, as long as it was downloaded first.

It turned out that wasn’t true.

– Fear of going to the bathroom

– You wouldn’t think that would work, because that’s how you just watch movies, he says.

– I would not have ever expected. Now I’m almost afraid when I go to the bathroom, because the memories come back.

– Now that I look back, I laugh. But it wasn’t fun at the time.

– Trauma for life

Over the next few days, the man had stomach aches and had to stay home from work.

– I think it was due to this, because otherwise I was in good shape, he says.

The man waited a few days before contacting the company responsible for discharging the waste water.

– I didn’t know what to do, she says.

– The cell phone and glasses are just objects, but that experience… If it had happened to a five-year-old boy, he would have been traumatized for life.

– Faulty connection

The company that took care of the flushing informs the man that a faulty connection on the mixer caused the kickback, which therefore traced back to the hind. “It is regrettable what has happened and we fully understand that you have had such an unfortunate experience, but our operator followed normal procedure and cannot be blamed for the incident. JTR Gruppen’s general manager Thomas Austbø writes in an email to the man, according to Stavanger Aftenblad.

The municipality writes in an e-mail to Aftenbladet that the work carried out was normal maintenance.

– We will follow up on this, and possibly ask the airline owner to correct the error, the director of technical operations in Randaberg municipality, Idar Kolnes Goa, writes to the newspaper.

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