Actress Jenni Kokander recalls the early stages of her relationship in an interview with Me Naiset magazine.
Actress Jenni Kokander has been together with her husband Jukan with almost twenty years. Kokander tells We women in an interview with the magazine, that the family’s everyday life is currently divided between the home in Vantaa and Turku. The reason for this is Kokander’s work.
Jukka works shift work and Kokander feels that in a relationship it is also wonderful to miss the other person.
– Sometimes Jukka sleeps in the study and I sleep in the sausage. It’s not a sign of anything other than the fact that our daily schedules are different, the actress says in an interview with Me Naisten.
Everyday contact with spouse and children is handled by video calls. There is also a 16-year-old Sulo cat in the family’s home.
In an interview, Kokander recalls the early stages of his relationship. He tells Me Nais that he was the driving force behind the relationship.
– When I once met my husband Juka Tavastia in the back room, my first thought was: “I’ll take it!” Somehow I knew right away that it was my person. I had never thought that about anyone before. Jukka later claimed that he felt the same way, but he was slower than me to do anything about it.
Kokander says that he is a challenging, but long-faced and funny partner. The actress feels that sex is “really important” in a relationship.
– But even more important is shared laughter. Closeness and touching mean a lot: paying attention to the other, hugging and kissing. More important than the frequency of sex is to think about how often we laugh together.

Jenni Kokander and Jukka’s spouse share a similar sense of humor. Jenni Host
Source: We Women