Home » today » News » “It’s Necessary”: New York Authorities Defend Vaccination Mandate Amid Community Criticism | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

“It’s Necessary”: New York Authorities Defend Vaccination Mandate Amid Community Criticism | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

yisel: good evening, say helloyisel tejeda.hope: and hopeceballos, thanks foraccompany us.yisel: should start today, butmayor bill de blasio saysthat starts tomorrow Tuesday, isbut rejected by others.Héctor Javier Solano spoke withrestaurant owners,employees and officials of thecity ​​for opinions.fines.>> a customer is askedthat if you have the vaccine,come out with rudeness. what toyou don’t care and etc., forfactor: the new measure thatwill come into force this Tuesday, theaggressiveness and rejection is themain fear of manymerchants, especially inbars and restaurants,they already do business liketheaters, gyms, eventsmusicals, doctors clubs,evacuation test aemployees, priority andcustomers.if it is feasible, is the questionfor president of the council ofthe city.>> is necessary because thenumber of cases continuesincreasing and we are in aaverage of 2000 daily infive counties. the number ofhospitalizados tambén esáincreasing to wings of 700 inNew York, that’s somethingserious and you have to do something tocurb this contagion of delta.Factor: Mayor Billblasio also justifies themeasure.mayor of blasio: thevaccination is the key tokeep safeNew Yorkers.factor: the representative of therestaurant associationLatinos say that once again, thecity ​​puts them in the ungratefultask of being cops in theirown businesses and withoutsuitable tools.>> not all restaurantsthey are prepared to havepeople at the entrance. aperson who does not know what it isdistinguish a card fromtrue vaccination of afalse.factor: the line existsinformation 311 and othersmeans.maía elena recognizes that she canbe problematicmeasured, but laser.accepts it.>> not everyone wantsget the vaccine, I’m fromagree that everyone willput it.factor: we askedregular customers in these

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