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“It’s much less noise”: at Kiabi in Sarcelles, quiet hours to better accommodate people with autism

Speakers deliberately silent, rows of neon lights left off to create a subdued light, telephones placed on silent and quiet aisles… This Saturday morning, the atmosphere in the Kiabi store in Sarcelles was somewhat unusual.

For the first time, the ready-to-wear boutique located in the My Place shopping center organized “quiet hours”. Goal ? Provide the best reception for people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and their families. With two specific niches. From 8:30 am to 9:30 am – one hour before the regular opening, the shop is entirely reserved for them. Then from 9:30 am to 10:30 am, everyone is welcome but the sound and light intensity remains low. Customers themselves are invited to limit noise and to respect the priority checkout.

The device will now be programmed every last Saturday of the month. Already set up in a few supermarkets in Val-d’Oise, this one is for the moment unprecedented in the textile sector of the department and this is very appreciated by the association Entraide Autisme en Val-d’Oise, partner of the operation.

Rediscover the pleasure of an outing

“This type of initiative remains very rare despite the bill which intends to make them compulsory in 2022. Yet they are vital for families. Because taking an autistic child to a store, especially for clothes, is often extremely difficult due to the sensory overload to which many are extremely sensitive. It can lead to seizures. There, it’s less distressing for them, while allowing them to socialize, ”explain Aline and Béatrice, members of the association’s board of directors, present on Saturday morning.

In fact, parents with autism often avoid this type of outing like many others. “To protect their children but also out of fear of the gaze of others. Overall, they often come out little. They are confined to the year because in France, we are still very late on the issue of autism ”, regret these specialists.

The Kiabi management team, Méline Pipault and Valentin Seux, alongside Aline and Béatrice, members of the Entraide autisme association. LP / Anne Collin.

But at Kiabi in Sarcelles, we wanted to act at his level. “I discovered that this was done in supermarkets. I said to myself: why not at home? Especially since at Kiabi, we have a real corporate social responsibility (CSR) policy which encourages this type of inclusion action ”, underlines Méline Pipault, store manager.

A first for the start of the school year

Health crisis requires, the idea had to wait to see the light of day. “We had an appointment with the association in mid-March but there was confinement and then this whole particular period afterwards. We got in touch again in July to be able to put this in place before the start of the school year, which also concerns autistic children, ”continues the manager. The association also recalls the gaps in terms of education.

The team was therefore made aware of people with ASD and their reception. “This is still unknown because, for example, in the disability standards, there is nothing on this subject,” said his deputy Valentin Seux.

On Saturday, however, no one affected by ASD showed up for the launch. ” It’s not serious. We will communicate more because the needs are there. And in all cases, this has enabled us to raise awareness on the subject with customers, ”say Aline and Béatrice.

“This will start a movement”

In the aisles, their feedback is positive. “It’s great to do that. There should be more initiatives of this kind because it is invaluable for the parents of autistic children, affirms Sirine, nursing assistant in medico-educational institute (IME), familiar with the subject. And even for us, it’s more soothing ”.

Same echo with this mother who came to dress her boy for the start of the school year. “I always come at the least crowded hours and it is true that it is good with even less noise”.

In any case, the operation could produce babies outside the department. “It’s not that complicated to set up. Other Kiabi have already contacted us for information. We are the first but we think that this will start a movement ”, hopes the management duo.

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