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It’s like a sea plate

A spider about 23 centimeters in diameter, discovered by scientists in Baja California in northwestern Mexico, has been confirmed to belong to a new species.

The spider called “Califorctenus Cacachilensis”, an endemic species in this peninsula, was first spotted in the caves of Las Cacachillas, said Maria Luisa Jimenez, a specialist at the Northeast Center for Biological Research (CIBNOR).

“The first time I saw him, I was very impressed with his size,” Jimenez told the source.

“Never in my career have I met a spider as big as a plate.”

The species was first discovered in 2013 during a regular expedition by scientists at the Museum of Natural History in San Diego (theNAT) and Mexican researchers, according to the institution’s website.

To determine the characteristics and links with other known species, the scientists turned to Jimenez and other experts from Campinas University in Brazil. “We captured eight specimens, compared them (…) and came to the conclusion that it is a new species,” she said.

This spider with legs of 10 centimeters and a small body, measuring a total of about 23 centimeters in diameter, is similar to the “stray Brazilian spider” and is part of the family of tarantulas present in this country. Like these, it has a flattened body and two large, imposing hooks. The head and legs are brown, and the abdomen is yellow.

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Despite its intimidating appearance, the spider is not aggressive. “Except for the attempt to capture him,” added Jimenez, who gave assurances that “the venom is not lethal to humans.”

This spider is nocturnal and moves fast, so it is difficult to observe.

According to Jimenez, more than 45,000 species of spiders live in the world, of which nearly 250 are endemic to Baja California.

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