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“It’s good that Switzerland is useful again”

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US President Joe Biden and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin will meet in Geneva in just over a week. The foreign politicians in parliament agree that this is good for Switzerland’s reputation. However, expectations of the meeting diverge.

Preparations in Geneva are in full swing. In a few days, two of the most powerful men in the world will meet there: US President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin. For the Swiss Federal President Guy Parmelin (SVP) and the Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis (FDP) this is a wonderful opportunity to meet the new US President face to face, says Christa Markwalder (FDP / BE). The National Councilor is a member of the Foreign Policy Commission (APK) and hopes that Geneva will address some “hot issues”.

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“The Federal Council must make it clear to President Biden that Switzerland is not a tax haven, as he said in his speech to the Congress at the end of April,” she says. With the average Swiss corporate income tax rate of 15 percent, the global minimum tax rate required by Biden is already being met. Will the Swiss representatives even take up other political issues when they have the attention of the two great powers?

«Our interests will certainly not be in the foreground. We are primarily a trustworthy partner for this exchange.»

National Councilor and APK member Elisabeth Schneider-Schneiter (Die Mitte / BL) hopes for a good exchange. She also focuses on the economy: “For our industry, it is important that we discuss the long overdue free trade agreement with the USA with Biden.” This is important not least because the framework agreement with the EU has failed.

Nidegger: “In this case, Switzerland is a guest in Geneva”

APK President Tiana Angelina Moser (GLP / ZH), on the other hand, does not believe that Switzerland’s needs will be given much room. «Our interests will certainly not be in the foreground. We are primarily a trustworthy partner for this exchange, ”she says. Her fellow Commissioner Yves Nidegger (SVP / GE) agrees: “In this case, Switzerland is a guest in Geneva.” It is not an opportunity for bilateral talks – neither with Russia nor with the USA.

APK member Jacqueline Badran (SP / ZH) also does not believe that Berne will get a lot out of it: “On the one hand, Switzerland has far too little courage to do this and, on the other hand, it is not our role at this meeting either.” Except for the usual lip service, not much can be expected. “This is probably also the case.”

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It’s about relieving tension

But what will Putin and Biden talk about? From Sibel Arslan’s (Greens / BS) point of view, it is crucial that the two heads of state speak about non-violent communication. “The USA and Russia should say goodbye to nuclear weapons and sign the corresponding agreement – Switzerland could also join in,” said the foreign policy maker.

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Schneider-Schneiter hopes that people will discuss human rights with Putin. “Switzerland would certainly find the right tone here to make it clear to him that his understanding of human rights is not conducive to cohesion.”

“Frozen conflicts” should be discussed

For Markwalder, the ongoing conflict in eastern Ukraine and the occupation of Crimea are high on the list of priorities. «But Russia also takes in so-called frozen conflicts influence in Georgia and Moldova, although said territories do not belong to Russia. “

«Switzerland used to be the champion of active neutrality policy – it was no longer that.»

Even if the prospects are bad that Switzerland will advance its political agenda next week, it could still benefit. Moser emphasizes that it is important that Switzerland should be allowed to represent a platform for exchange between the USA and Russia. “We continue to play an important role on the international stage.”

Almost like Reagan / Gorbachev in 1985

Badran also sees the meeting as an opportunity: “Switzerland used to be the champion in active neutrality policy – it has not been that for a long time.” After all, “peace mediation is one of the core tasks of Swiss diplomacy,” said Schneider-Schneiter. For Arslan, it is clear that Geneva – then as now – is one of the world centers where multilateral discussions take place.

Nidegger has very special memories of this time. He was there in 1985 when the then presidents of the two great powers, Mikhail Gorbachev and Ronald Reagan, met at the Intercontinental Hotel in Geneva. «I accompanied this event as a journalist. It’s good that Switzerland is useful again. “

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