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its extension adopted until July 31

HEALTH PASS. Friday, November 5, the extension of the anti-Covid 19 system until the summer of 2022 was voted definitively in the National Assembly by the deputies of the majority. Both the right and left opposition want to lodge an appeal with the Constitutional Council.

The essential

  • Friday, November 5, the National Assembly voted a final version of the law on the extension of the health pass, in accordance with the wishes of the government, with a deadline of July 31, 2022.
  • The law imposes an application of the health pass according to the following criteria, not quantified, because they can be adjusted according to the appearance or not of a variant of the Covid-19 : test positivity rate, vaccination rate and resuscitation saturation.
  • The Senate had rejected the law the day before, wishing to advance the extension of the health pass to February 28, so as not to leave the government full powers for the next eight months which span in particular the presidential and legislative elections.
  • Both the right and left opposition should lodge appeals with the Constitutional Council in the hours that follow.
  • The law must be promulgated on November 15, 2021, before the end of the state of health emergency.

And immediately

11/05/21 – 23:56 – Anti-health pass demonstrations planned for this Saturday

END OF THE LIVE – Demonstrations should be scheduled again this Saturday, November 6 to protest against the renewal of the health pass, as in Lyon where several collectives will parade Place Ambroise Courtois in the 8th arrondissement of Lyon from 2 p.m. In addition to the capital of the Gauls, Strasbourg, Grenoble, Bordeaux, Dijon, Montpellier, Nice, Metz and Toulouse will see processions forming in the streets, reports Cnews. In the French capital also, demonstrators will parade in various processions.

11/05/21 – 23:16 – Health pass fraud more severely punished?

In order to fight even harder against large-scale health pass fraud, the government’s so-called “health vigilance” bill will make it possible to ratify the increase in the maximum penalty for users committing this type of disease. ‘abuse. Thus, while the law until now provided for 3 years in prison and a fine of 45,000 euros for forgery and use of forgery, fraudsters now incur five years in prison and a 75,000 euros fine. “The use, the power of attorney or the proposed power of attorney of the forgery mentioned in the present paragraph is punished by the same penalties”, specifies the text. Counterfeiters now face penalties similar to those of fraudsters.

11/05/21 – 21:52 – What are the major points of disagreement between the deputies of the majority and the Senate?

The duration of the extension of the health pass crystallizes the tensions between the deputies of the majority and the senators. The government maintains the deadline on July 31, 2022, where the Senate wishes to shorten it by half, to February 28, 2022. “Three and a half months is fine, eight and a half months is too much,” rapporteur The Republicans Philippe Bas. Then, the possibility of revealing the vaccination status of the pupils to the school heads is also another big point of disagreement: this measure wanted by the government “would amount to sit on medical confidentiality”, argues Bruno Retailleau, the boss LR senators, in Le Parisien.

05/11/21 – 20:50 – A portal to produce QR Codes for people vaccinated outside the EU

Good news for foreigners vaccinated outside the EU. Pharmacists will now be able to provide them with a QR code valid to obtain a health pass. This will cost them 36 euros at most, explains Nicolas Berrod, journalist at Le Parisien.

11/05/21 – 19:00 – Appeals will be filed with the Constitutional Council

The opposition forces (the Republicans and the left) have planned appeals to the Constitutional Council in the coming hours.

11/05/21 – 18:33 – Which Senate amendments were rejected by the majority deputies?

The extension of the braking measures until February 28, of which the health pass is part of it, and the use of a territorialization of the device according to the vaccination rate and the circulation of the virus according to the departments were rejected by the Assembly. national overnight from Wednesday to Thursday.

05/11/21 – 18:00 – The regime for exiting the extended state of emergency

This is the whole regime of “exit from the state of health emergency”, in force since May, which is also extended until July 31. During this regime, the government can continue to force the wearing of masks, restrict movement, gatherings and access to certain places.

11/05/21 – 5:37 pm – Under what criteria could the health pass be lifted?

The text of the law was voted again and definitively in its initial version as desired by the government, with a deadline of July 31, 2022. It contains the prerequisites necessary for the promulgation of the health pass: test positivity rate, vaccination, saturation of resuscitation … These criteria are however not quantified, because according to government spokesman Gabriel Attal, “a default value would be imprecise because if a new variant of Covid-19 were to appear, the situation would change “.

11/05/21 – 17:05 – For the government, a milestone scheduled for February 28 at the latest

The text of the law “Health vigilance” adopted by the deputies of the National Assembly provides for a progress report on the measures taken at least three months after its publication and “no later than February 28, 2022”, during which the government would propose a “report” to Parliament, “specifying the reasons for the maintenance, if necessary, of some of them on all or part of the national territory”.

11/05/21 – 4:37 PM – Will the third dose be required when we already have a complete vaccination schedule?

“It is relevant from an epidemic point of view. First, it could be an incentive for the booster dose,” replied an adviser in the office of the Minister of Solidarity and Health. “And then, let’s not forget that the health pass is a tool in the fight against the epidemic, which makes it possible to bring together in a closed place people who are either vaccinated against the Covid, or not carrying the virus”.

05/11/21 – 16:00 – A floundering recall campaign

The booster dose vaccination campaign for people over 65 years of age or at risk must have struggled to bear fruit. Only 2.5 million people out of the 6.8 million people concerned in France received the booster dose, according to figures communicated last week by the Minister of Health Olivier Véran.

05/11/21 – 15:36 – These French people who say “no” to the third dose

“The third dose, it will be no, especially if the vaccination booster becomes mandatory to keep his health pass,” said a Parisian senior executive aged 60, interviewed by L’Express. “They abused us, there is a break in equality, a democratic break between the citizens. I am for vaccine freedom but against the health pass. When I was vaccinated, it was long before the health pass and I am outraged by what is happening. So, I will not do this third dose as a matter of principle, “she explained over the phone to our colleagues.

11/05/21 – 3:07 pm – A fifth wave this winter? Jean Castex sounds the alarm

This Friday, November 5, 2021, Prime Minister Jean Castex traveling to the Montpellier hospital was very worried about the current health situation: “We are in France facing an epidemic resumption. The situation at the hospital has stopped improving. The time has not come to let our guard down, “he announced, urging scrupulously to respect barrier gestures and to take advantage of the vaccination. At present, 12% of French people are unvaccinated and “1.3 million of our fellow citizens over 65 have not yet received a dose” he stressed.

11/05/21 – 14:32 – When should the law on the extension of the health pass be enacted?

The law must be promulgated before November 15, 2021, which currently marks the end of the transitional state of exit from a health emergency.

11/05/21 – 14:02 – The health pass, “an extrajudicial sanction” according to Professor Guillaume Zambrano

Guillaume Zambrano, lecturer in private law at the University of Nîmes, believes that the health pass goes beyond the ordinary framework of criminal law. “It gives rise to unprecedented social sanctions which are a mixture of deprivation of liberty, stigma and incitement to public humiliation. It is an extrajudicial means of socially deactivating people, of unplugging them, in a way. And it is no longer the judges, but the population itself – the cafeterias, the librarians, the museum guards or the employees of the hospitals – which applies the sanction “, he explains in a interview given to Reporterre.net.


Through the text of the law “Health vigilance” adopted definitively on Friday November 5 in Parliament, the government wishes to leave itself “the possibility of extend the health pass until July 31, 2022“.

While the health pass was initially due to end on November 15, 2021, Parliament adopted the bill extending the health pass until July 31, 2022. Although the health pass will not be “necessarily extended permanently” until at this end date, the government wishes to be able to use it when necessary. The health pass may be lifted according to the following criteria, not quantified: rate of positivity of tests, vaccination, saturation of resuscitation. According to government spokesperson Gabriel Attal, a default value would be imprecise because if a new variant of Covid-19 were to appear, the situation would change.

The third dose is not yet mandatory to keep his health pass, although government spokesman Gabriel Attal assured that the idea “is gaining ground”. This booster dose currently only concerns people over 65, people at risk, nursing home residents, immunocompromised people and people vaccinated with Johnson & Johnson. A possible conditioning of obtaining the health pass at this booster dose against Covid-19 is an option under study according to Prime Minister Jean Castex, who said Monday, October 18 that “the conditions to benefit from the pass are fixed by the HAS (Haute Autorité de Santé) “, which has not yet commented on the subject.

There are three possibilities to obtain the health pass: the first is to have a complete vaccination schedule. Both doses are needed for Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca vaccines (one dose only for Johnson & Johnson vaccine). It is also necessary to respect the period of immunity after the last injection (7 days for Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca, 28 days for Johnson & Johnson). The second is to have a certificate of recovery from Covid-19. Finally, for those who do not wish to be vaccinated or who have not yet received their two doses, the presentation of a PCR or antigen test of less than 72 hours is necessary.

While the first ski slopes have opened, especially in Tignes, the ski lifts of ski resorts are not subject to the obligation to present a health pass. “At this stage, the sanitary pass is not required on the ski lifts” assured the Secretary of State for Tourism invited by BFM TV on Friday, October 15. But caution is in order throughout the 2021/2022 winter season. The Secretary of State in charge of tourism told Sud Radio on October 19 that faced with the slight increase in the epidemic of Covid-19, a reflection is underway on the possibility of an obligation of the health pass: “we must not l ‘exclude because the pass is what makes it possible to remain open no matter what, “he believes. “We ask ourselves the question and we will provide the answer soon,” he added. Outside the slopes, the health pass is compulsory in restaurants, bars and hotels in ski resorts, as usual.

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