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“It’s exploding! “: Jessica Thivenin says she regrets her breast prostheses

This is a confession that no one expected. This Friday, April 30 on Snapchat, Jessica Thivenin took the floor to talk about her breast prostheses. Maylone’s mom said if she had known she wouldn’t have gone for such a big beanie.

I have more head and buttocks than my stomach but I’m too proud of my mini bidou anywayand ”. That’s what he was writing Jessica Thivenin on April 22, caption of a photo where her pregnant belly was starting to come out. Conscious of her generous breasts that she was able to obtain thanks to the plastic surgery, Thibault Garcia’s wife recognizes that she is a bit cumbersome today. A breast that Maylone’s mom bluntly called “dissimilar” and of “disproportionate”On Snapchat this Friday, April 30.

While she was complexed by her chest which she found too small when she was younger, Jessica Thivenin admitted that they have “grown enormously”. “I am not proud of it for those who ask me. Do I regret? Yes. Because when I made them I was 20 years old, finally 24 years old, I said to myself that it was beautiful ”, she explains. Even though Jessica Thivenin likes “breasts a little voluminous ”, she explains that hers was a real problem during Maylone’s pregnancy because she had gained in size.

The wise advice of Jessica Thivenin

Now that I’m still pregnant every time I have a pregnancy it explodes! It’s getting bigger than my head. I didn’t think it was going to be like this. I knew you had to be a little damaged by the pregnancy but not to this point, I thought not”, Said the star of Marseillais. Admitting to have opted for prostheses a bit too big, the mother-to-be gave advice to her subscribers.

I would have known, I would have made it smaller. But hey it’s done, these are youthful mistakes. But if I can advise you if you are remaking your breasts, don’t overdo it. For those who ask me I do an E. So it’s too big a cup. I would have known I would have made a C. (…) D and E it’s very big it’s too heavy. If I can give you any advice, this is it. You should never do too much in fact”, Indicated the Marseillaise, who will have to wait for the birth of her second child before finding a less generous breast!

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