As the portal learns from sources close to the ongoing talks between Jarosław Kaczyński and Zbigniew Ziobra, tonight there was indeed a serious approximation of the positions of both sides, but it is not yet possible to talk about the conclusion of the negotiation process.
It is really closer to an agreement, there is progress on the part of Solidarna Polska. Our interlocutors approved our legislative plans, including two key acts – on the protection of animals and that increasing the legal protection of people involved in the fight against coronavirus. Importantly, Solidarna Polska also accepted a new formula for the functioning of the government –
– tells us a person from the circle of the PiS president.
Overall, our source estimates that after another round of talks “Solidarna Polska is closer to accepting the terms of PiS”, and that “Reflection can be seen” on the side of Zbigniew Ziobro’s party. However, he emphasizes that the i cannot be dotted yet.