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It’s amazing how cheap a bank account a year costs for the smart saver who takes 3 simple steps

It often happens that in order to be the holder of a post office book or a current account with a credit institution you have to incur high expenses. According to the data of the Italian Banking Association dating back to February 2021, there was an increase in the costs of the current account. And this is certainly not comforting news. Especially considering that at the same time the deposit of sums of money with banking institutions is increasing. However, it is incredible how little a bank account a year costs for the smart saver who makes 3 simple steps. And it is no coincidence that our Experts also suggested “5 good reasons why it is better to keep the money in the current account rather than in the postal book”.


Beyond the advantages enjoyed by the account holder, it must be admitted that he often finds himself paying unnecessarily for services and operations that he never uses. Most of the time it happens that it is precisely the lack of attention on the part of the customer that causes costs to rise to a not negligible extent.

A more attentive consumer would undoubtedly be able to significantly reduce management costs. It is also important to know the offers and promotions of other lenders. And our consultants confirm that it’s amazing how cheap a bank account a year costs for the smart saver who takes 3 simple steps.

The first step is to open an online current account that from the beginning ensures lower average management costs than the traditional account. According to the most recent estimates, the costs of opening and managing an online account correspond to one-tenth of those required to acquire ownership of an account in a traditional bank. This is equivalent to saying that where for a traditional current account the payment of about 130 euros per year is required, just 13 euros would be enough for the online one.

It’s amazing how cheap a bank account a year costs for the smart saver who takes 3 simple steps

The second strategy to be adopted to keep the average management costs low consists in transferring sums of money exceeding 5,000 euros elsewhere. By investing in other products such as insurance policies, supplementary pensions, savings plans, etc. you avoid paying thestamp duty equal to 34.20 euros. Furthermore, it is not necessary to request the sending of bank statements and other communications on paper, but only online. This is because the costs for the paper version of the documents and for sending them fall on the management costs borne by the customer.

Finally, the winning move to avoid having to pay out large sums for bank charges suggests never resorting to the credit line. If in fact it were to happen to go in the red, the credit institution could charge quite high interests. Therefore it is recommended to carefully avoid any overdraft. Rather, resort to a small loan from relatives or friends.


How to open an online bank account. Which is the best and without expenses?

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