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It’s always worth comparing! Pension, insurance and taxes

There is no such thing as the “best insurance” or the “best pension solution”. If that were the case, only one provider or one product would have established itself and prevailed on the market. Rather, it is important to find the best possible solution for the respective company or private person in the areas of provision, insurance and taxes at the best possible price. It is definitely worth comparing. In view of the abundance of offers and providers, this is an undertaking in which the layman quickly loses perspective. Online comparison portals have made exactly this their business model: They help to gain an initial overview. However, users must be aware that insurance companies create cheap offers precisely for such portals so that they are better positioned in the ranking. But watch out: It is possible that certain services are not included in these products and that you are lulled into a false sense of security, especially when it comes to insurance. Careful examination is essential.

Pillar 3a, inheriting and bequeathing

What applies to insurance also applies to provision. For example with pillar 3a. «Depending on income, financial circumstances and individual needs, offers from banks or insurance companies are better or less suitable for the respective customer. It is our job as specialists to find the right mix, ”explains Peter Enzler, Swiss Federal Trustee. FA and graduate in business administration HF. There must always be a balance between security and return. Comprehensive advice therefore also includes taking into account heirs and inheritances, family relationships and savings goals, especially for homeowners.

Save money and read the fine print

One type of insurance that can save a lot of money is private motor vehicle insurance. “The price differences are massive,” says Peter Enzler from experience. However, he warns against only looking at price in isolation. Because the services or the scope of insurance are often different: “The cheapest offer is not always the cheapest.” The same applies to health insurance companies. «Protection and service should come first, followed by price. The offers must be carefully checked. The benefits in the event of illness or in preventive health care are very different depending on the product and are very important today, ”says Peter Enzler. Anyone who deals with insurance and provision at an early stage and makes serious comparisons can save money and, above all, anger.

Assess risks correctly

Regardless of whether it is for private or business insurance, it is important that the risks are assessed correctly. Questions such as: am I prepared to bear the consequences of a claim myself? Do third parties such as employees or family members suffer from the consequences in the event of a claim? These and similar questions help to evaluate the risks and implement the appropriate safeguards. “In everyday life, private individuals and entrepreneurs are often guided by their emotions, time pressure or the persuasiveness of consultants. It is rather difficult for a layperson to assess what the consequences of a loss event could be, ”says Peter Enzler, and therefore feels it is his duty to make his customers aware of this.

All-risks insurance is in vogue

The desire for a carefree package for property insurance is growing steadily. Numerous insurers are reacting to this and offering all-risk options. With these, everything is insured that is not explicitly excluded. “The customer is thus also protected from dangers that they are not even aware of when they take out insurance,” explains Peter Enzler. From a financial point of view, such insurance is now more interesting than it used to be. Often the surcharge to the usual insurance cover is only small.

Cyber ​​crime is increasing

Due to the corona pandemic, cyber crime has increased massively in recent months. New insurance products have been developed accordingly. Here in particular, it is important to read and compare the fine print and the exclusions carefully. The relatively new insurance options are very different: “The customer must not be dazzled by the price. There is no point in taking out insurance that excludes the desired coverage. ” That is why Peter Enzler recommends that you either deal intensively with the topic or call in a professional who can point out the advantages and disadvantages in an easily understandable manner and support you in choosing the right product.

Optimize taxes

Planning at an early stage is also important when it comes to taxes. «Optimizing taxes means not only making the permitted deductions when filling out the tax return, but planning the investments and the process much earlier. Those who plan, win and save! ”Explains Peter Enzler, expert and owner of Eco Treuhand in Berneck and Wil. This applies to both private individuals and companies. It is therefore important to talk to a tax expert about the strategy and plan the long-term savings opportunities. (works)

ECO Treuhand in Berneck has various experts in its 16-person team for questions about pensions, insurance solutions and taxes for private individuals and companies. Further information is available at www.ecotreuhand.ch. In addition, an appointment can be made directly on 071 555 50 55. It’s always worth comparing!

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