“Plum bacchanalia, roasted fruit and acorns in the ears instead of thorns. So the basis for an earthy Moravian comedy is good, but the fairy tale The Greatest Gift is unbearably boring,” says film critic Mojmír Sedláček about the new Czech film .
Watch the video review of the fairy tale of the film The Greatest Gift. | Videos: Mojmír Sedláček, Blahoslav Baťa
According to Sedláček, directors Daria Hrubá and Marta Santovjáková Gerlíková do not yet have much experience, and their inexperience manifests itself in the same way as the creators of other failed fairy tales: it is easy to give in to the impression that it is enough to dress famous actors in funny costumes, to say that love overcomes all, and it’s done. But it doesn’t actually work that way.
‘All the while we really don’t know how powerful the individual characters are, or rather it’s worth noting that the pagan gods often do next to nothing here. Also, they’re dressed in really cheap and ridiculous looking costumes. So we can’ Don’t talk about fatalism or humor”, thinks of the fairy tale Sedláček.
During the hour and a half duration, several songs by David Stypka will also be heard, but according to the critic very tense reprises, but apart from the tribute to the musician who passed away last year, there is hardly a single reason why this movie should have been made. “Also, the fairy tale desperately lacks a defined main character that we can root for, so we have no choice but to wonder what the creators were trying to say with this work,” adds Mojmír Sedláček.