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‘It’s about time you listened to us’: on immigration reform

If possible!

At 66 years of age, Colombian Luis Gil has been working in construction in the country for three decades, but because he does not have legal residence in the country, he says that he has gone through an ordeal.

“Discrimination in jobs, in income, they also discriminate against people who do not have documents, in many aspects one is discriminated against here. So it’s time for us to stop this. ”Gil said.

That is why Luis joined the delegation of Make the Road New York that went on Tuesday morning to the capital of the nation to demand that an immigration reform be included in the Build Back Better plan or Reconstruct better, the ambitious plan of the President Biden to rebuild the nation’s infrastructure. Plan that goes through a strong challenge in the Senate for its approval.

“We are going to fight for this reform honestly, we already have a long, long time fighting for it. It is time for you to listen to us. Today has to be something definitive. These people have to listen to us and if not I will continue fighting until we achieve it, “added Gil.

How he, the Mexican Fabiana Linares, got up very early to demonstrate … her fight is for her and her husband who have raised three children in the country and after twenty years have still not been able to get documents.


As a healthcare worker, Fabiana says she put her life at risk during the pandemic and that it is time for the government to help undocumented immigrant communities.

“We deserve it after a pandemic. All working people believe that it is fair that would be fair. It would bring some relief to our communities. ”

Some two hundred people traveled from various New York City Making the Road offices to Washington where they took part in a conference with elected officials who are in favor of immigration reform.

At the moment, the ‘Build Back Better’ plan includes a program that would provide work permits to undocumented immigrants who have been in the country for more than ten years.

They would be temporary work permits that would last for five years.

It would also allow them to apply for a permit to travel to their home countries and allow them to return to the United States again.

Finally, it would provide them with driver’s licenses … and the proposal passed in the Lower House, it would be necessary for it to pass in the Senate, but the plan does not include a path to citizenship.

“People must live with respect and dignity… at the end of the day they are left without any steps so that they can become American citizens tomorrow… the least the government can do is give those people a way to that they can live with stability, “said Julissa Bisonó, representative of the New Way NY.

Activists say they will continue to demonstrate until immigration reform is passed.

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