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“It’s a massacre” according to Delphine Wespiser

Find Stéphane Bern and the gang of All in good time ! Monday to Friday from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for a special containment program.

To keep you entertained, all
generations, the show team offers you a game that takes you
kings to kings of pop, from the treasures of our villages to the treasures of song,
cinema, everything that makes heritage, and also meet
personalities who make cultural news.

Four new puzzles on the menu this morning, and four chances to win prizes! For this, from
that you think you have the right answer to the puzzle,
send an SMS to 64900 (0.35cts / sms) with the keyword “GAME” followed by your response. You may be on the air to check it out with Stéphane Bern and a qualified guest.

Enigma # 1

To start, let’s talk about a huge character who is in his
domain equivalent to what Bach is for music, Baudelaire for
poetry, Hugo for literature or Molière for the theater, a giant therefore,
everyone knows the name of but we know very little about

What little is known, by
example, of this man born in 1822, normalien, teacher and researcher after
having passed his doctorate in chemistry, his first work focused on the
question of the fermentation of wine and beer, in particular. We do not remember
not always that at the request of Napoleon III, he devoted himself to diseases
silkworms. And it is by the way developing the measures for
protect worms from infections, that he realizes the importance of

We ask you today, to protect yourself from the virus, not to
shake hands with those you meet. In this area, he was a
precursor. He would never shake anyone’s hand, even if it seemed a little

It is often unknown that he was
surrounded by the death of his family. He will lose three of his 5 children. Three girls.
Terrible tragedy for a man who is passionate about life and its mechanisms and who is thus prosecuted
by death.

What we know best is the Maisonsgoutte affair, named after this town in the Bas-Rhin, from which a young boy named
Joseph Meister. It’s July 4th
1885. The child is severely bitten by a dog on his way home from school.
At the request of doctors, he is given rabies treatment for
10 days. He will be saved.

This is the glory for our
learned. National and international glory. It can no longer accommodate enough
world, in his Ulm Street office. Hence the idea of ​​a larger space which
would be devoted to rabies research and care. The establishment will
inaugurated in 1888. It is today one of the French flagships of research.

The man was an academician, a great officer of
the Legion of Honor recognized and celebrated worldwide. He was
extremely popular during his life and after his death and yet during
all his existence, he will have to face the contempt of the doctors…

The answer : Louis Pasteur.

On the phone : Erik Orsenna, writer and academician. He occupies in particular the armchair n ° 17 which was that of Louis Pasteur. Erik Orsenna also dedicated a book to him Life, death, life published in 2015 by Fayard.

“La vie, la mort, la vie” by Erik Orsenna (Fayard)

Enigma # 2

We are now talking about a sporting event! The terrible pitfalls
to which it subjects its participants and the “glamor” setting in
which it takes place give it a great reputation since 1929.

That year, an engineer
from the shores of the Mediterranean is given a delicate mission:
welcome on a very limited territory – smaller than Central Park at
New York – one of the biggest sports competitions in the world. And not only is the space
limited, but in addition it is overrun with constructions.

Never mind :
The entire population is mobilized, paving stones and trams are eliminated and the
first race took place 91 years ago, April 14, 1929. And it
quickly becomes a benchmark in its category.

It must be said that its layout
sinuous, narrow and bordered by metal rails requires incredible dexterity. On several occasions, runners who lost control even ended up in the waters
port !

At a time when the
computers, where technology makes us approach each day a little more
“zero risk”, it is said to be the last “race
men “. That is to say an event in which only talent makes the

Here it is almost
impossible to overtake your opponents, there is no point in having a mount too
fast, the champions who climb on the podium at the end are those who
reveal the most enduring and tactical.

He is a gifted Brazilian
who holds the record for the number of wins: 6, including 5 in a row between
1989 and 1993. But the French do not have to
blush: many of them have slashed champagne, including Uncle
actor Jean-Louis Trintignant!

In 91 years, despite the many turns, the speed
average during our test still went from 80… to more than 150
km / h!

Reply : The Monaco Grand Prix (Formula 1).

On the phone : Christophe Pacaud, Presenter of RTL Petit matin Weekend, sports journalist, he comments on the Monaco Grand Prix every year.

Enigma # 3

It’s not because we’re
confined that you cannot travel either by mind or by heart. And I have
want to train in one of the most beautiful regions of France and in one of the most famous cities of
this region, city which has this particularity of being the city of France which
has the highest proportion of people under the age of 30.

It’s also the city
of Alfred Dreyfus, the famous captain. And it’s the first in its region to
to have received, in 2008, the label of city of art and history. And you go
understand why …

The city is built on
a territory crossed by two rivers, the Ill and the Doller and the water was very
quickly used to turn millers’ mills. Besides, the name
of this city means “The miller’s house”.

What was only a village
quickly turns into a city and becomes even after the Treaty of Westphalia
in 1648 which
ends the 30 year war and redraws the map of Europe giving it the
status of an independent Republic, a status that it will keep until
attachment to France in 1798.

Very early on, the city, and it’s
one of the strengths of its heritage, becomes a flagship of the industry. We have it
even nicknamed “French Manchester”, the city of 100 chimneys, so
the industry, especially textiles, is flourishing there.

Attached to Germany after
the war of 1870 then again French in 1918, this city, we can not
more European, since it is on the borders of Germany and
Switzerland is today the most important of the Haut-Rhin. But did you find
which city is it?

Reply : Mulhouse.

On the phone : Delphine Wespiser, Miss France 2012 and originally from Mulhouse.

During the program this morning, the ex-Miss who lives near the Mulhouse hospital, testified with emotion about the Covid-19 which hard hit Mulhouse and all of its region: “When you live near the hospital, you hear the military planes, the ambulances, there are the helicopters which pass, so it is complicated. And if today the Alsatian hospitals say that it is a little better, I especially think that things are going a little less badly. They have a much greater tolerance than us ” she says.

It is true that in Alsace we are particularly affected, it is a massacre, and every day I hear people I knew who died, who had no particular health problem. Every day it’s a new name and it’s pretty terrible. Just yesterday, there was the announcement of Bernard Stalter [NDLR : président de la Chambre des métiers de France]. He was a great person … “ explains Delphine Wespiser before concluding: “Following this confinement I will go to a dozen commemorations because it is a massacre in Alsace”.

We invite you to discover the entire sequence at the beginning of the article …

Enigma # 4

Finally, guess an expression that
comes from Greek mythology …

We are in a game
from Greece called the Phrigie. There is a Midas king there who reigns over
his kingdom. He’s always well dressed, he loves to party, but he’s not very smart.

It turns out that not far from
his kingdom, in the forest, walks Dionysus and his procession. Dionysus, the God of celebration, wine and music.
He’s Zeus’s son. As his mother died of burns, Zeus recovered the fetus
and kept it in his thigh. Hence the expression since Zeus in Greece became
Jupiter for the Romans: “Leaving Jupiter’s thigh”.

So there is Dionysus and not
still far the one who raised him at the request of Zeus is Silenus. But there
that Silenus, who has drunk a little, falls off his donkey and falls asleep in the forest. It’s here
let him get it from the peasants who don’t know who he is. The peasants tie him up,
he may protest, tell them “But you don’t know who I am”, they
make fun of it and they drive it over to the Palace of Midas. Luckily,
Midas recognizes this. And to be forgiven, he welcomes and gives, in his
honor, ten days and ten nights of celebrations.

And when Silenus leaves
join Dionysus, Midas accompanies him. He thinks he might be able
ask a favor from this God. So here he is in front of Dionysus
who agrees to fulfill one of his wishes, but which one? Midas asks him to endow it
with extraordinary power: Turn everything he touches into gold! “Are you sure about him?” request
Dionysos who foreshadows the catastrophe. “Certain” replied Midas.

And Dionysus accepts
finally and realize this wish. The king returns home.
Fascinated by this immeasurable power and wealth. Everything is transformed
in gold: Trees, flowers, birds. Amazing, great. Until
whether Midas wants to eat or drink. Or hug his daughters against him. Alas there
also, everything turns into gold. Drinks, meats, children. Midas
realizes that he will die of hunger, thirst and loneliness.

So he comes back to see Dionysus
and begs him to take away this power. God after lecturing him
accepted. But to remove this power, he must go to wash,
purify in a river. Midas therefore goes up the course of this river until its
source. And by the way, it leaves impressive amounts of gold nuggets
float in this water. That’s why now everyone who touches
the water from this river will become rich.

But what is the name of this
river that gave birth to an expression that when we
touch, we get rich?

Reply : Le Pactole for “Touch the jackpot”.

On the phone : Cartoonist Jul who notably revisited Greek myths in his comics 50 shades of Greeks (Dargaud) published in 2017.

“50 shades of Greeks” by Jul (Dargaud)

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