the announcement occurs when nearof five out of 5000 students fromsecondary school will return to theirClassrooms.let’s change the topic,internal rents service,announces the end of the secondstimulus check round$ 1400 budget.will reach peopleeligible, both by depositdirect, check, or throughPrepared EBIT Cards.Isabel Peralta, tells us.isabel: not untilnext March 24 whenchecks are availableof the second round of stimuluseconomic situation of the coronavirus, witha value of $ 1400 whose checksare usually deliveredthrough a direct deposit.some americans have alreadyreceived your deposit, thisaccording to the department oftreasury and rent servicepaid your taxes for the year2019 and 2020.if you did not file your taxesin 2019 and is doing theIn 2020, it better behurry up.reporter: taxpayersWhat are they waiting for?monthly loan paymentsprosecutor for children underage, how is it known in English,he might have to wait for wingsweather.they are returning part ofthe taxes you paidfor each child, depending on theirincome tax credits forminor children in thepast, it was below the17 years old, now it’s up to 17years.that goes from 1600 to $ 2800,depending on income.reporter: according to theirs commissioner is veryyour agency probably won’tcan start doing thesepayments in June, for the first timethis amount was going to be advancedin monthly installments, althougha warning had been issued.probably how are theycrossing the road payingtaxes from Aprilpostponed to May they will not beready, fill out what to do aportal where people arewrite and have to create themechanisms to disburse thatmoney.reporter: the point is to help.I myself used the io tomy light because it gave a lot.It is a very big help thatis giving the government.plan to pay the rent, buyfood, send money to myrelatives.reporter: if you don’treceives a direct deposit onMarch 24, it is dependent onmail, because the nextweeks I could receive aphysical check or credit can also check your payment