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ITN: There is no way to form a government with the BSP. DSB: We will decide whether to negotiate at all

The chance of a third term is common sense, said IBGNI, who were not disappointed that the president did not hand it over to them. Apparently Radev does not want a regular cabinet, GERB said

The parties commented on news that the president would hand over the third term to form a BSP government. As after the previous elections, he chose the third largest party, after this time “There is such a people” (ITN) did not receive support from anyone for its draft cabinet, and GERB-UDF only presented one for comparison and immediately returned the mandate. Now, however, there was a proposal for Rumen Radev to symbolically give the mandate to the smallest political force “Stand up BG! We are coming” (IBGNI), as Democratic Bulgaria said it could not support the BSP because of its commitment to its right-wing voters. .

After it was announced that the head of state had still elected the left, its leader Cornelia Ninova announced that they would invite ITN, DB and IBGNI to talks, but they would approach differently from the first mandate holder – they would not set conditions and pre-determine the candidacies of ministers to take a decision together. She herself would not run for prime minister.

ITN, which has already stated categorically that it will not participate in new talks and support the cabinet, confirmed its position.

“The mandate goes to the BSP, and we cannot form a cabinet with them. Our position is clear,” MP Filip Stanev told the media.

He clarified that diplomacy, politics and human communication require talks, but the ITN will certainly not form a cabinet with the Socialists.

“From the point of view of our position, we are moving towards elections. Given that we will not support a cabinet, to nominate our people is naive,” he added.

“I wonder what the idea is with the clear limitations of the DB. The situation is as it is, everyone knows what our position is and that is why I want to remind you that DB has consistently insisted on looking for some formula before making this decision. The decision on whether the party will join the talks will be made by the collective bodies in the coalition, “commented the co-chair of the right, Hristo Ivanov.

“When there is a proposed cabinet and prime minister, then we will make a decision. I tell you that we have yet to decide whether to enter into talks at all,” he added.

The leader of “Yes, Bulgaria” explained that their position regarding their red line is very clear.

“I keep wondering when someone decided to construct things that way now, without prior negotiations between the parties we insisted on, how they envisioned the moves from now on“he pointed out.

“If there is a chance for the third term, it is the chance of reason, but in no case is it a chance for unprincipledness and no one should expect this from us,” said Arman Babikyan from IBGNI.

According to him, the question is not in the number of the mandate, but in how it will be fulfilled.

“We have announced some principles and we will continue to adhere to them. These are the program priorities for which we agreed with the people of Mr. Trifonov in the first term. We will insist on these principles and we will insist, of course, on our dividing lines, which we stated at the very beginning – that GERB and MRF should not participate, “Babikyan added.

He added that he was not disappointed that the third term did not go to his parliamentary group and announced that they would make a well-intentioned effort in forming a cabinet.

“It is quite natural for Mr. Radev to hand over the third term to the BSP. However, Cornelia Ninova negotiated it with external forces and other generals. Besides, almost 5 years ago, Iliana Yotova threatened him that every step against the BSP would cost him dearly, “commented Desislava Atanasova, the chairwoman of GERB’s UDF.

“Obviously, there is something else – that Mr. Radev does not want to have a regular government. He only seems to be counting on his elections and his campaign. Therefore, I guess wants the action of an official cabinet without a parliament. Otherwise, I cannot explain, despite the requests of everyone else, that they will not support the BSP cabinet, “she added.

“They will not talk to us, we do not know what they are talking about, they obviously have a potential circle of parties with which they will talk,” said MRF leader Mustafa Karadayi.

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