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ITN leaves the cabinet negotiations (VIDEO) – Politics – Bulgaria – NOVA news

“There is such a people” no longer has any place in the negotiations to form a cabinet. We are going to the elections. This was stated by the leader of the party, Slavi Trifonov, in an extraordinary statement on the occasion of the leaked recording of a meeting of the parliamentary group of “Democratic Bulgaria”.

Leaked tape shows behind-the-scenes cabinet talks (VIDEO)

“Today, Hristo Ivanov and the PG of the DB spoke for the first time what they really think – in the building of the National Assembly, on the air, on the Internet, with microphones and cameras on. They spoke because they did not know that they were live and their hypocrisy shone in front of everyone. For the first time, we saw the true face of lies, manipulation and political equilibrism,” commented Trifonov.

He quotes the following statement by Ivanov: “(…) We allowed the idea of ​​talking to ITN. This means that they can no longer say “ITN is 100% mafia and we are 100% white”, i.e. – things started to blur a little”.

“In a straight text, Ivanov admits that PP and DB call us mafia, not because it is so, but because that’s how they look “white”. They admitted that they were brazenly, brutally lying. This is simply disgusting,” said Trifonov.

DPS: An immediate end to this farce called negotiations

He accused DB of “simulating negotiations”. “They are lying that they are not discussing the personal composition of the cabinet. We are all waiting for the mandate holder to say who the candidate for prime minister will be, what their proposal for a government will look like. And they think it should be discussed what ministerial position will Kiril Petkov occupy. Well, none, Hristo! Petkov should not occupy any ministerial position. Of the DB and PP, the most important for you was Bulgaria – the policies, the management program? Here is hypocrisy at its purest kind”, the leader of the ITN was categorical.

“Am I a doormat? Am I the excuse for the incompetence of some amateurs? Am I a mafia because that’s how they export you? Lie shamelessly, brazenly and disgustingly! You disgust me! You have no honor and dignity, and instead of creating, you destroy! It turned out that the inadequacy and inability to manage cannot be disguised with well-dressed words. You can sell probiotics with well-dressed words, but not run a country! Therefore, I will now be extremely clear – we no longer have a place in these senseless and hypocritical negotiations, because Hristo Ivanov has just terminated them. We will not form a government of hypocrisy, we will not support it and we will go to the elections. We are not afraid of elections and what will happen in them”, added Trifonov. And he reminded the voters that they are the sovereign and must decide “whether to give their trust to people who tell the truth or to those who lie and hypocrisy”.

MP from DB about the blunder with the microphones on: I don’t believe it’s a conspiracy. But the record is fact

“Aren’t you offended by being told how bad a choice you’re going to make?” All the hypocrites talk about how bad it is to have elections, ie. you, dear voter, will make a very bad choice. Well, I don’t think so. No one can be mad at you. You are the sovereign, you set the rules of the game. In fact, you can never go wrong. Such is democracy. And that’s wonderful,” the ITN leader concluded his statement.

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