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Itching all over the body, chronic itching, itchy rashes, red rashes are small things that should not be left behind.


  • Don’t ignore the ‘itchiness’ on your arms, legs, or all over your body. Because most causes of itching are related to skin diseases such as skin allergies. Dermatitis Cause of contact But if the chronic itching doesn’t go away, it may indicate a serious disease.
  • Itching in each area of ​​the body show different diseases And if the itching subsides all over the body, there is no rash, itching all over the body for no apparent reason. If itching does not improve for more than 2 weeks, you should see your doctor immediately.
  • Adjusting lifestyle habits Can help prevent itching. When you get home, take a quick shower and wash off any sweat or dust. Choose gentle products that do not contain preservatives. Apply lotion after showering and take antihistamines.

evenitching It doesn’t happen severely, but many times it interferes with our daily life. It also has a negative effect on one’s personality. Walk around and scratch all the time. It must be an unsightly picture. Because if it is severe or lasts for a long time, you may need to use medicine to relieve itching because it may be a chronic disease, some of which are serious diseases.

For this reason, ‘chronic itching’ may be a sign of serious disease. ‘itch (itch or pruritus)’ is a symptom of the urge to scratch. Itching is a symptom ofskinIt is a common symptom, although it is not a serious danger, but it affects the quality of life, especially if it occurs chronically. What happens next when itching is scratching, which causes the skin to become red and create marks or sores. Itching may occur alone or with a rash, bumps, or hives.

Although scratching can help relieve some of the itching. But if you scratch continuously and violently, it can result in skin irritation, wounds, and infection. Finding the cause will help solve the ‘itchy’ problem in the most appropriate and effective way.

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Check the cause of the itching. What is it?

Asst. Prof. Dr. Punyapatthit Sirithanabodikul, specialist in dermatology. Samitivej Sukhumvit Hospital explains: itchingOn the skin, it can be caused by many reasons as follows:

  • Skin diseases such as hives, eczema, ringworm, psoriasis, scabies, chicken pox, rashesskin allergy Dry skin conditions, contact rashes, etc.
  • Nervous system diseases such as diabetes, shingles, neuropathy, etc.
  • Certain diseases or illnesses, such as chronic hepatitis hyperthyroidism Chronic kidney failure, anemia, leukemia Lymphoma or the presence of certain types of parasites in the body
  • Mental illnesses such as depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder
  • Irritation from insect bites
  • Irritation from allergies, such as allergies to chemicals, allergies to compounds in soap, detergent, and cosmetics.
  • Results from the use of certain medications, such as antibiotics, anticonvulsants, and certain pain relievers.
  • Pregnancy: Itching usually occurs on the abdomen or thighs. In the case of skin disease patients This can make itching worse during pregnancy.

Chronic itching, a warning sign of dangerous disease.

chronic itching It may be a sign of diseases related to the liver and kidneys. It may also be an early symptom of diseases related to the blood system, diabetes, and endocrine diseases. Or maybe it’s cancer.

However, Itching in each area of ​​the body May indicate different diseases

  • For itching due to dry skin all over the body and often itches during the night It may be a sign of kidney disease.
  • Severe itching on the hands or feet and places where clothing is tight, such as on the upper arms, waist, groin, or under the breasts, may be warning signs of liver disease.
  • Itching from diseases related to the blood system, such as diabetes, often has localized itching, such as itching in the anus, genitals, or itching after contact with water.
  • Itching from endocrine disease There will be itching all over the body.
  • Severe itching in both arms and legs. It is cancer.

Symptoms that should be seen by a doctor

  • Itching all over the body, no rash, itching all over the body for no apparent reason.
  • Itching does not improve for more than 2 weeks.
  • It is very itchy and affects daily life.
  • Other symptoms were found, such as fever, fatigue, and weight loss.

Diagnosis and treatment of itching

Diagnosis of itching The doctor starts by examining the body and taking a history to find out the cause and other common causes, such as the presence of a raised red rash. Then, additional tests may be sent, such as blood tests.skin allergy or check the function of various organs

Treatment will depend on the cause. In the case of mild itching You can relieve itching yourself as follows:

  • Press or gently pat the itchy area instead of scratching.
  • Apply a cold compress to the itchy area.
  • Take antihistamines
  • Apply medicine to relieve itching.

Itching all over the body, chronic itching, itchy rashes, red rashes are small things that should not be left behind.

Prevents itching that is not caused by disease.

Itching can occur for many reasons. Some causes can be prevented. And some are caused by the effects of disease and illness. You must see a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment. The itching is not caused by disease or serious illness. It may be prevented as follows:

  • Avoid things that cause itching, such as chemicals, certain soaps, or detergents.
  • Do not take a hot or hot shower. which results in dry skin
  • Apply skin care cream. to increase moisture and helps keep the skin from being too dry. At least 1 time per day
  • Try to avoid scratching. This may cause skin abrasions or infection.
  • Patients with various diseases You should take medicine and act as your doctor recommends.

Get to know itching from atopic dermatitis.

Atopic Dermatitis is a skin disease that affects 2-5% of adults and 10-20% of children worldwide. It is a long-term, chronic condition. It has specific characteristics starting with dry, flaky, irritated skin, although there is no cure for it. But it can relieve symptoms. Regular skin care can also protect our skin.

Symptoms of itching from atopic dermatitis

  • Atopic dermatitis It is a chronic skin disease that affects the skin on the face and body of people of all ages, including infants, children, and adults. It most often occurs in children before the age of 5 and may persist into adulthood.
  • Itching from atopic dermatitis varies from person to person. The most common symptoms are dry, flaky, and irritated skin. Some people may have chronic symptoms that come and go, or they may go away for many years and then come back again.
  • scaly skin or small blisters There may be an infection around the wound.
  • Itchy skin Especially during the night
  • Infants under 1 year of age often develop rashes on their cheeks, arms, legs, and in areas where they wear diapers.
  • Toddlers and preschoolers Most have rashes around bone joints such as the wrists, elbows, knees, ankles, and genitals. It may be hard, thick, rough and cause discomfort.
  • School-aged children often appear with thick rashes around their elbows and knees. Including the eyelids, ears and head, scratch marks are often found. Skin rashes during school age may disappear by themselves when entering adolescence.
  • Adults experience a variety of skin rashes. It may occur only in one part or all parts at the same time. Most are dry, thick, and hard rashes.

Itching all over the body, chronic itching, itchy rashes, red rashes are small things that should not be left behind.

autoimmune sweat disease Adjust behavior to reduce symptoms

diseaseAllergic to one’s own sweatCaused by a rash allergic to sweat Often caused by many daily activities such as exercise. Walking up stairs, being in the house, or in places without air conditioning Including the general weather that is hot and stuffy. These are all factors that make us sweat.

Many people, when they sweat, often havered rash Grows regularly on the arms, legs, or back. Or as many people call it ‘Itchy rash allergic to sweat’ would cause quite a bit of physical and mental suffering. and to reduce the chance of these symptoms occurring Let’s find out what is the root cause of sweat allergy rashes. How can it be treated and prevented? Let’s find the answer from this article.

Rash, itchy, allergic to sweat is a type of urticaria called autoimmune sweat disease Caused by heat stimulating the sweat glands. Sweat is secreted along with the rash. Some people may be allergic to their own sweat due to the body’s production of antibodies. or immunity to sweat itself Therefore causing a rash and hives. Sweat allergy rash is therefore an obstacle to doing any physical activity. Both exercise In the midst of hot weather Or even being inside the house can cause sweat.

The cause of the rash is allergic to sweat itself.

The main cause of sweat allergy is caused by heat. When the patient is in an area with high heat Or do activities that create heat in the body, such as exercising, wearing tight or non-breathable clothing. Eating very spicy food or having a fever, sweat glands must produce sweat to cool off. When the skin reacts to sweat and heat It will trigger hives. However, sweat allergies can also be caused by stress. In addition, people with congenital diseases such as eczema, asthma, or other allergies, whether food allergies or air allergies, are more likely to develop sweat rashes.

By the nature of the sweat rash. Initially, the urticaria rash appears shortly after the sweating begins. The rash will look like red patches. or a thick, convex circle, there may beitchingalso, which normally the rash can occur all over the body But it is often found on the chest, face, upper back, and arms. Some people may also have other symptoms, such as diarrhea, dizziness, shallow breathing, and lower blood pressure. which is a severe allergic reaction You should see a doctor quickly.

Itching all over the body, chronic itching, itchy rashes, red rashes are small things that should not be left behind.

How can you prevent and treat rashes allergic to your own sweat?

The symptoms of sweat allergy itself cannot be 100% prevented, but the frequency of symptoms can be reduced. By taking care of yourself as follows

1. Choose gentle skin care products.

For people who have problems with rashes allergic to sweat, you should choose products or creams that do not contain dyes, perfumes, and chemicals to prevent irritation of skin that is already allergic to sweat and not cause additional allergic reactions. Or choose to use skin care products especially for sensitive skin. To strengthen the skin’s balance and fight against stimulating factors that cause allergic reactions.

2. Avoid behaviors that cause an allergic reaction to your own sweat.

You should avoid activities that cause you to sweat easily, such as outdoor activities. or exercising in extremely hot weather It is recommended to change to exercising in an area that is not too hot and has good ventilation. In order to let the sweat escape to a minimum. And if you start to develop a rash allergic to sweat on your skin, you should stop doing various activities. or stop exercising immediately This prevents the rash from becoming more severe.

3. Avoid taking hot showers and use soap that helps balance the skin.

Because the cause of the rash allergic to sweat itself is due to heat. Avoiding situations with high temperatures is another way to reduce the chance of developing an allergic rash from sweat. In addition to taking a very hot shower, you should avoid saunas as well.

4. Wear breathable clothing.

Wearing thick clothing and not being able to cool off It will cause sweat, which eventually leads to sweat rashes. Therefore, you should wear clothing that is airy. Not too tight To create good ventilation and heat from the body.

5. Choose the right food.

If you find that you are prone to rashes and sweat allergies. You should avoid eating foods that will cause sweat, such as very spicy food. Hot food or drinks, etc., to help reduce the frequency of birth.itchingAllergic to sweat

However, if symptoms recur or there is a tendency to increase the level of violence You should see a medical professional to receive advice on appropriate treatment for sweat rashes. The doctor may prescribe antihistamines. That helps act in blocking histamine which results in allergic reactions.

A sweat rash is not a symptom that should be taken lightly. When you know the causes that easily arise from the lifestyle and behaviors that we use in our daily lives. Including knowing how to prevent it to reduce the frequency of symptoms, so you should take more care of yourself. In order to prevent the sweat allergy rash from being so severe that it affects daily life.

Itching all over the body, chronic itching, itchy rashes, red rashes are small things that should not be left behind.

5 points to change behavior and adjust lifestyle

  1. When you get home, take a quick shower and wash off any sweat or dust. Put on a new shirt. Do not wear tight clothing or underwear. The tighter it is, the more you rub, the more itchy it will be.
  2. Use a mild soap without perfume (No Perfumed) or without preservatives or with the words No Preservative or For Sensitive Skin.
  3. Apply lotion after every shower. Choose a lotion that doesn’t contain fragrances or chemicals. Do not use whitening lotion. Because it has fruit acids The more you apply, the more it irritates you and the more the rash becomes worse.
  4. Take antihistamines, which are antihistamines only prescribed by your doctor. Do not buy medicine to take yourself.
  5. Phototherapy treatment uses ultraviolet light to specifically treat skin rashes. To help suppress the body’s immune system so that it is not sensitive to the environment. By having the patient stand in a cabinet and receive radiation for 1 – 2 minutes, 2 times a week, symptoms improve, so gradually reduce the amount of radiation. Then slowly apply the medicine and take medicine as usual.

Whether this disease can be cured or not depends on the patient. When the rash improves, you must be careful in choosing soap and lotion. Refrain from using a lot of emotion or stress. If you are cured and then go back to your old lifestyle or behavior, you will likely get this disease again.

refer: Samitivej Hospital ,Bangkok Hospital ,Eucerin ,Faculty of Pharmacy Mahidol University

2023-12-11 06:34:00

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