Home » today » Technology » “ITC.ua: STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl Records a Sudden Rise in Sales among Ukrainians due to GSC Game World’s Alleged Blackmail Tactics”

“ITC.ua: STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl Records a Sudden Rise in Sales among Ukrainians due to GSC Game World’s Alleged Blackmail Tactics”

The persistence of Ukrainians is almost limitless. It helps us to unite in times of challenge, whether it is raising hundreds of millions for equipment to defend the country from hordes of invaders or protecting our favorite developers from the same Russians.

Recently, some of the so-called “Russian stalker community” announced their intention to leak a large amount of material on the game STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl (including the plot and cutscenes) to the network if GSC Game World does not fulfill their requirements. Ukrainian developers were required to apologize to the players from Russia and Belarus, unblock the NF Star user in the official Discord and return Russian localization to the game. Then, in the comments to the news, the community of the ITC.UA website expressed support for GSC Game World. But the Ukrainians did not limit themselves to words and began to act. No, the Kremlin has not yet been burned down, but, as it has become a habit, they started donating – this time to support financially the developers of STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl.

The microblogging service Twitter began to receive messages from Ukrainians, in which they write about pre-ordering the game STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl. In some cases, they write that they did not even plan to play this game, but in this way they support the developers.

Some people buy the game and send it to their friends as a gift.

Such activity of the Ukrainian community is already bearing fruit. STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl is rapidly climbing the global Steam rankings.

We urge readers to join this initiative and support developers from GSC Game World and defenders in the Armed Forces of Ukraine with hryvnia.


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