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ITALY vs NEW ZEALAND: All Blacks Dominate with 35-3 Victory – Live Updates

Markers: 6′ Jordan (m, NZ) Healer (tr), 9′ Allan (cp, I), 17′ Smith (m, NZ) Healer (tr), 18′ Telea (m, NZ) Healer (tr), 21′ Savea (m, NZ) Mo’unga (tr), 26′ Smith (m, NZ) Mo’unga (tr) }],”posts”:[“timestamp”:”2023-09-29T19:28:59.825Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-09-29T21:28:59+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”26′ – Altra meta All Blacks: Italia-Nuova Zelanda 3-35″,”content”:”

Niente da fare per la difesa azzurra, che capitola ogni volta che i rivali entrano nei 22: è ancora Smith a sfondare centralmente dopo il carretto. Seconda segnatura per il n°9 dei neri. Mo’unga fa 5/5

“,”postId”:”a5abec85-1ddf-4b29-bf41-5c82f83c3b33″,”timestamp”:”2023-09-29T19:23:43.275Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-09-29T21:23:43+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”21′ – Altra meta All Blacks: Italia-Nuova Zelanda 3-28″,”content”:”

Italia paralizzata ora: da touche sbuca Savea, che indisturbato va a segnare la quarta meta All Blacks. Già raggiunto il punto di bonus. Mounga trasforma: 4/4

“,”postId”:”b2aed208-3481-44b7-8596-bbf930de3174″,”timestamp”:”2023-09-29T19:20:46.002Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-09-29T21:20:46+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”18′ – Meta All Blacks: Italia-Nuova Zelanda 3-21″,”content”:”

Nemmeno il tempo del calcio d’avvio e un placcaggio sbagliato nella propria metà campo manda l’onda nera nei nostri 22: Telea vola a segnare la terza meta, la seconda in appena 60”. Mounga converte anche questa: 3/3

“,”postId”:”39581867-e9c7-425a-a42e-2f3c89aa94cc”,”timestamp”:”2023-09-29T19:18:29.170Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-09-29T21:18:29+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”17′ – Meta All Blacks: Italia-Nuova Zelanda 3-14″,”content”:”

Pazzesca touche degli All Blacks, che formano il carrettino dai 22 metri e spingono la mischia azzurra fino in meta: è Smith che schiaccia in meta. Ma che potenza la Nuova Zelanda! Mounga trasforma: è 2/2


Italia, Italia! Il Parc OL è tutto azzurro!

“,”postId”:”bebea84a-2fcb-4062-adfe-c7bc22bf43db”,”timestamp”:”2023-09-29T19:10:40.137Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-09-29T21:10:40+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”9′ – Allan centra i pali! Italia-Nuova Zelanda 3-7″,”content”:”

Subito aggressiva l’Italia nella metà campo avversaria: penalità per la difesa neozelandese, Allan va per i pali da posizione centrale e accorcia subito le distanze 

“,”postId”:”cc9740ce-4b3b-4b7a-b3e1-fe0176b3c3e9″,”timestamp”:”2023-09-29T19:08:13.015Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-09-29T21:08:13+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”6′ – Meta All Blacks: Italia-Nuova Zelanda 0-7″,”content”:”

L’Italia tiene botta in almeno 6-7 fasi, poi l’invenzione con un calcetto che manda Jordan in meta sull’out di destra. Mounga trasforma da posizione molto defilata

“,”postId”:”d2547376-19b4-4b5f-b795-06b90a31d804″,”timestamp”:”2023-09-29T19:04:15.718Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-09-29T21:04:15+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”3′ – Italia fallosa e rinchiusa nei suoi 22 metri”,”content”:”

Subito palla rubata dagli All Blacks, che chiudono gli azzurri nei propri 22 metri. Un in avanti regala la mischia in favore della Nuova Zelanda


Calcio d’inizio per l’Italia! Primo possesso All Blacks


Ora però si gioca! Tra pochissimo il calcio d’inizio


Azzurri che affrontano la haka abbracciati con sguardo fisso sui rivali. Momento come sempre molto emozionante


Ora è il momento della haka degli All Blacks!


Ecco l’inno di Mameli! Cantano in tantissimi sugli spalti!


E’ il momento degli inni! Tocca alla Nuova Zelanda


Entrano in campo le squadre!


Tutto esaurito al Parc OL di Lione, dove la rappresentanza di tifosi italiani è davvero folta: ci credono tutti!

“,”postId”:”46b7481c-b4bc-4097-a6d8-5924a9ea165d”,{“timestamp”:”2023-09-29T18:43:13.988Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-09-29T20:43:13+0200″,”image”:”imgSrc”:” capitani prima del calcio d’inizio”,”postId”:”2b9be4a9-06d4-4feb-8925-e34ea295d0f1″,”timestamp”:”2023-09-29T18:34:33.219Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-09-29T20:34:33+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”content”:”

Italia che giocherà con la divisa bianca, mentre gli All Blacks…ovviamente in nero!

“,”postId”:”499a1d6d-21a4-4881-aaef-3803635ea0eb”,”timestamp”:”2023-09-29T18:21:53.979Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-09-29T20:21:53+0200″,”video”:”videoId”:”865581″,”videoPageUrl”:” ci crede: “Possiamo battere gli All Blacks””,”postId”:”9f825207-8b23-4539-87f1-19194a8a590f”,”timestamp”:”2023-09-29T18:19:45.349Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-09-29T20:19:45+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Formazione confermata per l’Italia”,”content”:”

Nessuna novità dell’ultima ora nel XV azzurro: Crowley conferma dunque Varney e Paolo Garbisi, con il triangolo Ioane, Capuozzo e Allan pronto a colpire



Markers: 6′ Jordan (m, NZ) Mo’unga (tr), 9′ Allan (cp, I), 17′ Smith (m, NZ) Mo’unga (tr), 18′ Telea (m, NZ) Mo’unga (tr), 21′ Savea (m, NZ) Mo’unga (tr), 26′ Smith (m, NZ) Mo’unga (tr)


1 minute ago

26′ – Another All Blacks try: Italy-New Zealand 3-35

Nothing to do for the Italian defense, which capitulates every time the rivals enter the 22: it is once again Smith who breaks through centrally after the cart. Second score for the blacks’ n°9. Mo’unga scores 5/5

6 minutes ago

21′ – Another All Blacks try: Italy-New Zealand 3-28

Italy paralyzed now: Savea comes out from touchline and undisturbed goes on to score the fourth All Blacks try. Already reached the bonus point. Mounga transforms: 4/4

9 minutes ago

18′ – All Blacks try: Italy-New Zealand 3-21

Not even the kick-off time and a missed tackle in his own half sends a black wave into our 22: Telea flies to score the third try, the second in just 60”. Mounga also converts this: 3/3

11 minutes ago

17′ – All Blacks try: Italy-New Zealand 3-14

Crazy touch by the All Blacks, who form the cart from 22 meters and push the blue scrum towards the goal: it is Smith who smashes the goal. But what a power New Zealand is! Mounga transforms: it’s 2/2

17 minutes ago

Italy, Italy! Parc OL is all blue!

19 minutes ago

9′ – Allan hits the posts! Italy-New Zealand 3-7

Italy immediately aggressive in the opponent’s half of the field: penalty for the New Zealand defense, Allan goes for the posts from a central position and immediately closes the distance

22 minutes ago

6′ – All Blacks try: Italy-New Zealand 0-7

Italy holds their own in at least 6-7 phases, then the invention with a kick that sends Jordan towards the goal on the right. Mounga converts from a very tight position

26 minutes ago

3′ – Italy fouls and is confined within its 22 metres

The ball was immediately stolen by the All Blacks, who closed the Azzurri in their own 22 metres. A forward gives the scrum in favor of New Zealand

29 minutes ago

Kick-off for Italy! First All Blacks possession

31 minutes ago

But now we’re playing! Kick-off soon

32 minutes ago

Azzurri facing the haka embracing each other with a fixed gaze on his rivals. As always, a very emotional moment

33 minutes ago

Now it’s time for so of the All Blacks!

34 minutes ago

Here is Mameli’s anthem! Lots of people are singing in the stands!

37 minutes ago

It’s time for hymns! It’s New Zealand’s turn

38 minutes ago

The teams enter the field!

39 minutes ago

Sold out at Parc OL in Lyonwhere the representation of Italian fans is really large: everyone believes in it!

47 minutes ago

The captains before kick-off

55 minutes ago

Italy who will play with the white uniformwhile the All Blacks…obviously in black!


Dominguez believes it: “We can beat the All Blacks”


Lineup confirmed for Italy

No last-minute news in the Italian XV: Crowley therefore confirms Varney and Paolo Garbisi, with the triangle Ioane, Capuozzo and Allan ready to strike

2023-09-29 18:52:03
#LIVE #Italy #challenges #Blacks #search #World #Cup #quarterfinals

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