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Italy-Spain in memory of Raffaella Carrà: homage of the national team

And if Argentina, in a wonderful and moving portrait, set her in an era of tremor and fear like the one that takes place between the seventies and eighties, portraying her for what she was, that is, the friend of Diego Armando Maradona, Italy-Spain he will pay her a due tribute, necessary for what she has given with unconditional love to her audience. It will be divided in half, Raffaella. And maybe he will burst into one of his laughter, thunderous and vibrant with that overflowing and irrepressible energy. Light and insinuating. Whatever tribute will be granted will never pay them enough, yet it is felt as a priority for those who have enjoyed the joy and that conscious and aware quality that has bestowed with intelligence, bringing requests and themes of an exquisitely civil nature to the stage. So we will hear his songs again, to testify a tribute of gratitude first of all human, requested by Figs and granted by Uefa.

Raffaella Carrà, the farewell a few hours from Italy-Spain

Italy-Spain it will be a fiesta with Raffa: Brand, the most important Spanish sports newspaper has dedicated a premiere to her that sums up everything there is, in these days of mourning and dismay. “How fantastic this party” is the emblem of the splendor and of the Raphaelian hyperbole, the football challenge by definition, with Italy-Spain than in the Carrà they exceed each other.

When he was exiled, with abnormal success, in Spain and Argentina Raffaella gave its best and conquered Iberians and South Americans who idolized and adore it even today for its inimitable style and its human figure which, for how many others and others try, do not even manage to touch its level. In Spain there was such love that she earned the title of dama al Order of Civil Merit, one of the greatest Spanish honors.

Thanks to the calcium and the formula Carrà after, Raffaella became a personality also known to the Iberian public who made an accomplice with unsurpassed songs, where he condensed irony, emancipation and a cheerful and symbolic ease, a sort of secular liberation that sanctioned the success of Pedro at the most italic Dance, dance.

Raffaella’s love for Juventus

Of Juventus faith, she was also able to be passionate and involved on the Spanish side: she had chosen the Real as the Spanish team of the heart, but always with a certain detachment and an undoubted joie de vivre that football often imposes even on those who do not feel it as urgent.

One of his latest interviews, in that program defined as small which was not so small, was a Leonardo Bonucci who greeted her with affection after meeting her for “You begin to tell stories”. Even the former captain Alessandro Del Piero, the protagonist of a splendid and fun carrambata, had lent himself to dance the Tuca tuca and had brought his style to a program like that of Raffa national.

On social media he had also celebrated the last championship of the you with the usual quality and sportiness, why not: “Dear Juve: I like you, ah-ah! I like you, ah-ah-ah! I like you a lot, a lot, ah! It seems incredible but I’m crushed on you… “.

The bond with Diego Armando Maradona and the exchange of esteem and respect

Since Raffa belonged only to herself, her audience was aware of it and respected the qualities and the great work that her obsession with writing and studying required, she had loved so much Diego Armando Maradona that Argentina defines friend. “I met him in Italy when I invited him to my television programs – he confessed to the Messenger – but the first time he came to me and ended up in prison. I used to sing in a large arena in Buenos Aires. It was 1979. He must have been 18 years old. The arena was full, there was no room left, but he still tried to go inside to listen to me. He said to the policemen: ‘You don’t know who I am!’ I read this story the next day in the Clarin. It was my fault that Diego had spent the night in the guard ”.

In the name of this mutual esteem, which united them beyond friendship, Raffa made him the protagonist of an absolute carramble: after seven years he brought him back to the Auditorium to celebrate the Naples of the Scudetto with tears, dances, hugs. He was then able to reciprocate in the same way, making “La noche del 10” unique.

Italy and the FIGC pay homage to Raffaella Carrà

Tonight a Wembley, London, will ideally still be present and united: the Figs, in fact, he asked for and obtained from the Uefa to include in the playlist used for the pre-match warm-up, one of his most loved songs and ballads, ‘A making love begins you’. Because, however it goes, it’s going to be a great party.

VIRGILIO SPORT | 06-07-2021 15:48

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