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Italy: Robot measures pulse of corona patients and relieves doctors

So that doctors have less contact with Covid 19 patients, certain tasks are performed by digital assistants.

In Italy at least 70 doctors have died of Covid-19. It is believed that the majority of them would still be alive if they could have protected themselves better. That is why some clinics now offer special support: In order to protect staff, some clinics increasingly rely on the help of Robots. You can take on several tasks.

can measure the pulse of highly infectious patients, for example – this allows doctors to keep themselves out of the patient’s room and to read the important data in a separate room. This gives the doctors better protection.

“Tireless Assistants”

robot are tireless assistants who are not infected and cannot get sick, ”said the head of the intensive care unit at the Circolo hospital in northern Italy Varese, Francesco Dentali. “Doctors and nurses are through that virus been hit hard – the fact that the robot not being able to become infected is a great achievement. ”

Some of the robot are white and have screens and sensors instead of a human head. Others are simpler and are somewhat reminiscent of a black broomstick on wheels.

robot are generally already used in many areas, including care. The acceptance among the people is already there, a study has shown that 73 percent of people also from one robot would have surgery if it were important.

In Italy also came during the crisis also used numerous other creative methods in hospitals that could save lives. For example, valves for breathing apparatus that were defective were produced using 3D printing.

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