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Italy reiterates China ‘s mistakes Abroad

Doctors in the Chinese metropolis of Wuhan made the same mistake at the beginning of the outbreak, says Liang Zong “An of Sichuan University’s West China Hospital. They then tried to ease the pressure on hospitals by asking less sick patients to go into isolation at home.

China underestimated infectiousness

The Chinese authorities at the time would have underestimated how contagious the virus could be. The authorities in Wuhan later decided to quarantine all mild cases. This happened in improvised hospitals in, for example, office buildings.

Liang says his team advises the Italians to follow suit and not let patients stay with their families. Italian media have reported infected people who were caught in the street when they should have stayed at home.

Milan places patients in hotels

The city of Milan has already decided to place patients with mild symptoms in hotels. Then they can be kept away from family members in isolation. The first hotel with more than three hundred rooms is to be used this week.

Highest death toll in the world

The Italian authorities have reported the highest official death toll in the world. More than 10,000 patients with the coronavirus have died there. According to the Chinese expert, this is mainly because the country has a relatively old population.

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