Home » today » Health » Italy on High Alert as Candida auris Emerges; WHO Reports Antibiotic Resistance as the Top Global Killer. Learn About Symptoms, Causes, and Transmission of the Fungal Infection.

Italy on High Alert as Candida auris Emerges; WHO Reports Antibiotic Resistance as the Top Global Killer. Learn About Symptoms, Causes, and Transmission of the Fungal Infection.

White earsit is alarm also in Italia. The antibiotic resistant and highly contagious fungus has been present in our country since 2019 and now in the United States cases of infection have multiplied. To reiterate the need to keep attention high is Massimo Andreoni, scientific director of the Italian Society of Infectious and Tropical Diseases (Simit). «It is a phenomenon of extreme concern because this is the great global problem: the appearance of germs resistant to all the antimicrobials we have,” he told Adnkronos on the sidelines of the meetingWe stand with public health:
a call to action for infectious disease
, organized together with the Italian Society of General Medicine and Primary Care (Simg). Candida auris is fully part of the drug resistance phenomenon: “we weren’t used to mushrooms, we were confronted with the problem mainly linked to bacteria”, he concludes, recalling that theOms
Antibiotic resistance predicts millions of deaths by 2050. «It will become the first cause of death in the world. It will be more lethal than the pandemic we have experienced ».

Candida Auris, confirmed case in Tuscany: symptoms and risks of drug-resistant fungal infection

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