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Italy: Covid-19 cases tripled in four days, with the majority asymptomatic | Chronicle

While the new coronavirus infections they tripled in Italy In just four days, the Government recognized this Friday a “increasing trend for three weeks”, although he assured that it is “mostly of asymptomaticand asked that the security measures to avoid “a further increase” of the infected.

He Ministry of Health reported this Friday of a new increase in cases in the last 24 hours, they reached 947 nationwide, up from 840 reported Thursday.

Thus, the amount of new positives tripled from 320 infections reported on August 17.

The northern regions of Lombardy, with 174, and Veneto, with 116, were those that registered the most cases along with Lazio, where the capital Rome is located, which added 137 positives.

Only two of the 21 autonomous regions and provinces, the northern Valle d’Aosta in the North and the southern Basilicata, did not report new infections.

Anyway, with an average age of new positives 35 years In the last month, according to official figures, the number of daily victims has been maintained for days under the ten deaths, with nine reported deaths in the last 24 hours.

“The number of new cases of infections remains broadly contained but with a tendency to increase from three weeks ago“, raised by the Ministry of Health and the Higher Institute of Health (ISS) in the weekly monitoring document of the evolution of the epidemiological situation.

In the event that the security measures in force until September 7 are not complied with, such as the use of masks and social distancing, “In the next few weeks you could attend a further increase in the number of cases at the national level”, the monitoring warned.

In that framework, now that the average age of contagions fell to the middle of that of almost 65 years that had the average of the total infected since the beginning of the pandemic, the Health entities raised the profile of the new positives.

You see a change in transmission dynamics, with an increase in cases and foci associated with recreational activities both in the national territory and abroad, and a less clinical severity of diagnosed cases, mostly asymptomatic“, they raised.

Until now, 35,427 people died in Italy from the coronavirus.

Yesterday he Scientific Technical Committee that advises the Italian Government in the fight against the pandemic, he stated that he had “under control” he increase in infections since three weeks ago

“We are in a widely anticipated trend. The curve is slowly growing but, for the moment, the epidemic is under control “, said the CTC coordinator, Agostino Miozzo, in an interview with the Corriere newspaper.

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