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Italy-Belgium, Locatelli-Pessina from the start? Chance for Belotti

Stretcher short of energy, the coach has more alternative solutions. With the doctors’ okay, Chiellini returns

The winning team will probably change. Above all because the quarters were won precisely with Mancini’s adjustments in the race. Not just a tactical shock. Old speech: wrong training at the beginning or decisive interventions later? It would be ungenerous to seek responsibility after yet another great success, the qualification, the list of 31 unbeaten games and the defense records. The coach made the right moves.

Verratti and Barella were the virtual owners and deserved the place on the eve. Ditto Property. But the blue story teaches that excessive gratitude is sometimes expensive. Lippi in 2010 and Prandelli in 2014 know this. Some intervention could be useful, after all we are talking about a national team with twenty-six holders. In addition to Chiesa, those on the waiting list are Locatelli, Pessina and Belotti.

pessina decisive

After half a tournament, it can be admitted that Barella is in reserve of energy, the total generosity with Inter has worn him out. He lacks the cue that transformed him from midfielder into Superman. Mancini’s luck and skill consisted in having found in Pessina a raider with less competitive fury, but the power to balance the team and link the departments like few others. In addition, the great ease of goals (already two decisive in the European Championship). He does not feel the emotion. Difficult now to keep it out. Pessina is also the most versatile of the midfielders: he can “do” the Barella but also Verratti, as second director, and Jorginho, as with Moldova.

assault locatelli

The Locatelli-Verratti question is more complex. The Parisian, if in condition, is our Pirlo (or Modric), an all-out director who dictates the lines of the game. Where Verratti goes, the team goes. He and Jorginho created an axis of play and ideas on which this Italy was born. Certainly the Sassuolo midfielder has less dribble and possession but, at this moment, his “minus” probably translates into a “plus” for Jorginho who is instead paying for the Parisian’s exuberance: compared to the first two games with Turkey and Switzerland, and at the Wembley final, when Verratti is on the pitch, the Italian-Brazilian is less involved in the maneuver and participates more than anything else in the coverage. Verratti in London was also very nervous. A Pessina-Jorginho-Locatelli median could be more balanced. Even if Mancini, to deprive himself of Verratti, would have to end up under torture. Who knows that in the end Locatelli may not be Barella’s replacement.

chiellini-belotti waiting

In defense, an expected novelty is not excluded: Chiellini. The one seen against Turkey, and for half an hour with Switzerland, is one of the best of the tournament. In marking, unique. Acerbi, however, did not do anything wrong, on the contrary with Austria he offered the assist of 2-1 to Pessina with action from center forward. And Bastoni always replies “ready”. But this turnover is decided (also) by the doctors: immediately or better to wait for the possible semi-final? If ready, inside Chiellini. Even in attack it can be the moment of alternation: Immobile is inexhaustible, he fights for three and returns to receive the pass and restart the action, but at Wembley he was better able to work as a midfielder than that as a center forward. It could be Belotti’s time, but he too is more motivated and precise in pressing than in the area. Unless Mancini is tempted by Raspadori …

alternation to the right

Finally, the most likely change: Church. Against Wales and Austria the Juventus player “split” the defenses starting from the right and crossing the shot. He started late on Berardi, he is filling the tactical gap (now he is more functional to Mancini’s game). A year of Champions has transformed him, who knows what the Champions could do to Locatelli and Pessina.

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