Home » today » World » Italy and Albania Migration Deal: Opening of Migrant Centers in Albania Under Italian Jurisdiction

Italy and Albania Migration Deal: Opening of Migrant Centers in Albania Under Italian Jurisdiction

Jan 29, 2024 at 5:49 PM

Italy may receive migrants rescued in Italian waters in Albania. The Albanian Constitutional Court ruled on Monday that the migration deal between the two countries in which the agreement stands is not unconstitutional.

The two countries plan to open two centers in northern Albania that can accommodate around three thousand migrants per month. The centers will be run by Italy and fall under Italian jurisdiction, even though they are on Albanian soil.

Human rights groups have criticized the deal. For example, concerns have been expressed about the living conditions of migrants in the centers.

The right-wing opposition in Albania claims that national security is being endangered. The agreement would undermine Albanian territorial integrity. But according to Interior Minister Taulant Balla, this is not the case. “It’s just like we offer land, like we do with embassies,” Balla said.

It is not clear exactly when the shelters will open, but initially it was planned that this would happen at the beginning of this year. The number of migrants to be received from 3,000 should later increase to around 36,000. While the asylum seekers stay in Albania, the Italian authorities process their applications.

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni previously said that minors, pregnant women and other vulnerable groups will not be brought to Albania. Furthermore, few details were disclosed when the deal was announced.

It is now up to the Albanian parliament to ratify the deal.

  • 07 Nov 2023 at 10:14

    Italy wants to receive asylum seekers in Albania

Image: AFP

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2024-01-29 16:49:52
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