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Italians outraged by Merkel’s statement on EU funding

Conte respects Merkel’s opinion. But the government in Rome and the Ministry of Finance of Roberto Gualtieri are responsible for Italy’s finances.

Rome / Berlin. An interview by German Chancellor Angela Merkel about EU financial aid in the corona crisis has caused a sensation in Italy. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte suggested that the Chancellor interfered in domestic politics. “Nothing has changed regarding the ESM (European Stability Mechanism),” he said on Friday evening.

He respected Merkel’s opinion. But the government in Rome and the Ministry of Finance of Roberto Gualtieri are responsible for Italy’s finances.

There are several EU instruments for economic aid to mitigate corona damage. In an interview with European newspapers, Merkel said: “Anyone can use these instruments. We have not made them available so that they remain unused.” The CDU politician emphasized that it was Italy’s decision to use the ESM’s services. Some Italian media stylized this into a dispute between Conte and Merkel.

The ESM is particularly controversial in Italy. Right-wing opposition politicians in particular consider him a danger and fear that Brussels will have too much control over Italy.

Negotiations are currently underway in the EU on the € 750 billion relief fund in the corona crisis and the medium-term financial plan of € 1.1 trillion. The ESM is about cheap loans and the reconstruction program is primarily about non-repayable grants.

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