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Italians elect new mayors: first test for Draghi . government

It is quite unlikely that Clemente will win. It is not supported by one of the major parties, such as the left-wing Partito Democratico or the right-wing Lega, which put forward one candidate per municipality.

That is why these elections are also important on a national level: they are seen as a showdown between the major parties. It is the first time Italian voters have been able to make their voices heard since Prime Minister Draghi’s government took office in February and embarked on an ambitious corona recovery plan.

Will the League remain popular?

Judging by the latest polls, it looks like Matteo Salvini’s right-wing Lega party will be punished the most. The party has been on the rise for years, but has recently been overtaken by the even more right-wing party Fratelli D’Italia, which is not in government.

Some of Salvini’s supporters are breaking down because of the compromises he makes in the government, for example about making the corona pass mandatory for almost all Italians who work. In addition, the party is struggling internally with some scandals. For example, Salvini’s social media strategist was recently arrested after a drug party with two Romanian boys.

It now seems unlikely that all five major cities will have a right-wing mayor, as Salvini predicted a few months ago.

Left-wing parties, on the other hand, are piggybacking on the popularity of Draghi, who, according to the latest polls, has the confidence of 67 percent of Italian voters. Whether that translates into more mayors and more influence in local government remains to be seen today and tomorrow. In major cities, a second round of voting may follow later in October.

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