Home » News » Italian car market September 2023: registrations +22%, electric cars do badly

Italian car market September 2023: registrations +22%, electric cars do badly

The positive result for September was determined by greater product availability and self-registrations, which were as high as every end of the quarter. Electric cars down, hybrids up 35%.

The Italian automotive market closed the month of September recording a +22.8%, determined by a total of 136,283 units against the 110,998 registered in the same month of 2022. positive trend started a few months ago and continued in September, it was however influenced by car registrations, which increase significantly at the end of each quarter as highlighted by the data published by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport. Since the beginning of the year, the Italian market has seen an increase of +20.6% over the corresponding period of 2022 but is still far from the volumes of 2019, considering that the contraction is close to 20%. “The numbers achieved in the month just ended were certainly conditioned by the constraints linked to the closing of the third quarter and the achievement of the objectives imposed on the Networks for obtaining volume bonuses and maintaining market shares”, declares Adolfo De Stefani Cosentino , president of Federauto, the federation of car dealers.

electricity in decline

On the fuel front, in September electric cars once again went against the trend compared to the rest of Europe, with a drop of -2.7%, while in the first nine months of the year the progress was +27.6%. However, with volumes still limited the share obtained is 3.6%, placing it in last position, behind internally charged hybrid (39.4%), petrol (29.7%), diesel (15.2% ), LPG (8%) and plug-in hybrid (4%). Analyzing the other engines, petrol cars advanced in the month by +32.2% (+22.4% in the year), LPG cars recorded +12.3% (+23.6% in the year) while hybrid and plug-ins recorded +35.9% and +24.4% respectively. Diesel is down -3% in the month, +10.8 between January and September. “As we have already been witnessing for some months, the collection of orders, especially for low-emission vehicles, is contracting since the electrification of vehicles, as is known, is encountering many obstacles, including economic and infrastructural ones. The stagnation on the green private demand, as a result of the indecision in purchases by families, the growth of final prices and the weakening of real incomes”, continues De Stefani “is therefore determining a growing rush for registrations in the last three days of the month: the commercial pressure on many sales networks is reaching alarming levels. In September, net of car registrations, the size of the real market – that of real customers – would have been lower and the growth rate decidedly more modest”.

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