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Italian Book Market Report 2023: Top 10 Titles, Fiction Preferences, and Reader Trends

What do Italians read? What genres do they prefer? Do they prefer paper or digital? How many books do they buy? These are questions that find answers in the data published byItalian Publishers Association. According to the research, the book market in 2023 recorded substantial stability: sales were equal to 1.697 billion of euros at the cover price, while the copy they were 111.85 million.

Spending increases but fewer copies sold – According to the report, Italians spent 8.8 percent more than in 2022, but bought fewer copies, around 0.7 percent less, probably due to the increase in the price of cover which in 2023 settled on average at 15,17 euro. The most interesting data, however, comes from the ranking “Top 10of the 2023 titles who see a great revenge for Italian fiction: in fact 7 out of 10 books are Italian. Books which, in the year just ended, have made space among almost 69 thousand titles published.

On the podium The postman by Giannone – Il podium see the autobiography of principe Harry, Spare- The minor, in first place. After numerous interviews and the Netflix TV series, the Dukes of Sussex have returned to make people talk about them with a novel in which Harry tells his story. Given the pages full of revelations about the English royal house, it is not surprising that it has aroused so much curiosity. He is on the second step of the podium The postman Of Federica Giannone. The story of the protagonist Anna, of her revolutionary gesture of participating in the postman competition in a small village in Salento, Lizzanello – imbued with all the stereotypes that the 1930s allow us to imagine – and her strength have kept this novel in the rankings For me yes. The bronze medal belongs to the foreign narrative again: Give me a thousand kisses Of Tillie Cole. The romance novel that became popular on tiktok it is a hymn to love and friendship – which last forever, beyond time and beyond destiny – and to the difficulties you encounter on the road as you grow up.

From Murgia to Vannacci – One step below the podium is located Three bowls Of Michela Murgia. The subtitle “Rituals for a year of crisis” summarizes very well the plot of this novel of separate stories, focused on the strength that human beings demonstrate when, after a “crisis”, they must find ways – new and their own – in order to survive. Then The world in reverse Of Roberto Vannacci. General Vannacci’s provocative and self-published essay analyzes current and everyday issues that cannot help but be divisive, also confirmed by the controversy that this publication has sparked.

Ammaniti and D’Adamo – Al sixth place: Intimate life Of Niccolo Ammaniti. Novel that immerses itself in the arduous task of exploring the mind of a woman, the protagonist Maria Cristina Palma, beautiful, rich and famous, and custodian of a secret from the past that will return to knock on her door and reveal her entire intimate life, also made up of fears, obsessions and unspeakable desires. Then Come d’aria Of There’s D’Adamoposthumous winner of the Witch Award. The short autobiographical novel tells with strength and truth the story of two women, mother and daughter, Daria and Ada, who face the daily hardships and joys of a disabled daughter and a mother who discovers a new illness, the starting point of the narrative.

Follett, Volo and Cazzullo close the top 10 – The weapons of light Of Ken Follettoccupies theeighth place. Set in the first decades of the 19th century, the historical novel showcases one of the moments of greatest change in history and the protagonists of this story – each in their own way – will be the representatives of the clash between progress and tradition. Going down you can still find it Everything is here for you Of Fabio Volo, a sincere and direct love novel, which captures the contradictions of human relationships and which places emphasis on the desire to get involved, on the possibilities of new beginnings and on the value that even solitude can have. At the tenth e last place is found When we were masters of the world Of Aldo Cazzullo. At the center of the narrative lives the Roman Empire, as the father of all other empires, up to the most contemporary ones, which gave names to things, dictated rules that are still in force today and inspired artists of all sorts. Through a narrative full of anecdotes and details, the myth of Rome, its characters, ideas and signs are reconstructed.

Past years and trends – The positioning of Italian fiction has also been excellent in previous years. They were 4 and titles in 2022: Gianrico Carofiglio con Grudge, Antonio Manzini con Bones speak, Aldo Cazzullo con Mussolini the gang leader and finally Matteo Bussola con Rosemary doesn’t understand winter. And so also in 2021. So Italian authors are doing well, especially the more literary ones, considering that publishers translate a lot and the notable boost from social platforms. In particular, as can be seen from the rankings, i booktoker and all those who talk about books on social media influence sales. If a book becomes viral is destined to climb the charts. Furthermore, it seems that, in Italy, there is an alignment in the direction already taken by other countries: i occasional readers they are greater gods strong readers (those who read more than 12 books a year), national fiction and texts prevail foreigners they must become best seller international to be taken into consideration.

The driving force of the narrative – As the 2023 data highlights, the Italian fiction it is the genre that most drives the growth in reading (with +7.2 percent); then, according to the IEA research, following are manuals and non-fiction; the negative data instead concern foreign fiction (-3.6 percent) and comics (-10.6 percent). Digging deeper, within the narrative itself i most read genres they are pink and yellow (with 41 and 39 percent), then biographies (27 percent), historical novels (26 percent) and lastly fantasy (19 percent).

Readers are growing – According to IEA research, compared to previous years there is a increase in readers: in 2023 the 74 percent of those interviewed (between 15 and 75 years old) declared themselves readers. They responded affirmatively to the question: “Thinking about the last 12 months, have you ever read, even partially, a book of any genre, on paper or in digital format, or listened to an audiobook? If yes, more or less how many?”. Of the many Italians who declare themselves readers, it appears that the 28 percent declares to read every day or almost, most say they read a few times a week (39 percent) but 18 percent say they read a few times a month (18 percent). Although more than half of those interviewed say they read less than three hours a week, and a good 24 percent say they have not read in the previous week, in 2023 increase the time dedicated to reading each week: from 3.31 hours in 2022 to 4.18 ore in 2023. Encouraging data that can also be improved.

2024-02-13 07:02:19

#Sales #boom #Italian #fiction #portalettere #Giannone #Murgia #Ammaniti #Top #titles #Italian

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