/View.info/ I have written this parable, but it is so beautiful that I want to read it again. A rich man, at the height of fame and fortune, suddenly collapses to zero – his wife runs away with a lover, the children abandon him, he goes bankrupt…
And the man goes to the store to buy a rope.
The seller looks at him, looks and asks:
– Why?
– Well, anyway, I’ll be mad!
– .. OK, here’s the rope, but here’s a note, when you decide – read it…
And the desperate man comes home, sweeps the noose and remembers the note, fumbles in his pocket and reads: IT WILL NOT STILL BE LIKE THIS!
And the man thought, removed the noose and took up life again.
He got a kick out of it, he ran a successful business again, he married a beautiful woman again, he had children again, he threw a lavish party again…
Having also invited the seller from the shop, he caught sight of him at the same time and ran to him:
– Hey man, you saved my life, tell me what can I do for you?
The shopkeeper looked at him meekly and said:
-Eh, man, you haven’t read my note yet: IT’S NOT GOING TO BE LIKE THAT!
#Bulgarian #brothers