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“It will never end, we will find out the truth”

“Whoever kidnapped Denise” Pipitone “must know that it will never end and sooner or later we will discover the truth. Denise, for 17 years, has been kidnapped every day …“. To underline this on Facebook is Piera Maggio, the mother of the little one who disappeared into thin air on September 1st 2004 from Mazara del Vallo, afterwards the decision of the investigating judge of Marsala to close the new investigations on the case, accepting the request of the Prosecutor.

Ma for the investigating judge Sara Quittino, archiving “does not mean ‘abandoning’ any hope or concrete possibility of shedding light on the progress of events”. The same investigating judge of Marsala writes it, adding: “On the contrary. As underlined by the prosecutors at the chamber hearing it is in the interest of the Prosecutor and, this judge adds, it is in the interest of the judiciary as a whole to pursue the truth and continue to investigate (or allow the of further investigations) where, hopefully, further elements that may be investigated further emerge, to understand what happened Denise and to prosecute those responsible for her kidnapping. This can certainly be done through a reopening of the investigations where the need for new investigations “.

In any case, continues the investigating judge, “not only the long and incredibly extensive investigations did not reveal sufficient elements to support an accusation in court, but this judge is not even allowed to imagine how a charge against the Crown could be formulated by the public prosecutor, even summarily. “In the new investigation, among the suspects, there was also Anna Corona, ex-wife of Denise’s biological father and mother of Jessica Pulizzi, half-sister of the child who is now 21 years old and who has been definitively acquitted.

According to the investigating magistrate of Marsala, “it does not appear possible, at present, to attribute criminal conduct to the suspect, much less a sufficiently precise conduct regarding the crime and the methods of carrying out the conduct: which crime could be charged to the Crown? opted for the kidnapping which conduct could be contested? of the instigator of the kidnapping? of the material executor, in the sense that he would have physically taken Denise from the house in via La Bruna? Or he would have detained her in a state of deprivation of liberty in a moment after the kidnapping, intervening in support of other subjects who would have initially taken Denise without the Crown being aware of it? and, even less, to lead to an assertion of responsibility. And an (at present, it is believed, certain) acquittal would entail and on the other hand the impossibility of carrying out new investigations against the suspect “.

The task of the judicial system – continues the investigating judge of Marsala – is not to find a culprit at all costs, regardless of the truth of the events and the sustainability of an accusation in court, in order to ‘soften’ to some extent the immense pain of the offended persons and / or satisfy the desire for justice and truth for Denise not only naturally inherent in the offended persons, but now ‘made its own’ by the generality of public opinion, which gives he always follows the dramatic news story with great interest and empathy “.

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