The members of the board of directors of the ASCL (Association sports culture loisirs) met to take stock of the past year. They came back to the Cockerel Festival last September and they programmed the numerous and diversified events for 2023.
Today at 6:17 p.m.
The member associations of the ASCL (Association sports culture loisirs) met to establish the calendar of events, distribute subsidies and schedule the Cockerel Festival.
After the announcement of the accounting results of the Cockerel Festival, the members of the ASCL noted the various improvements or modifications to be made to the organization of this festival, so that it is still as attractive as ever. One hundred and eleven places were allocated to garage sale exhibitors whose sites had been condensed into a more restricted perimeter, in order to benefit from greater homogeneity.
Two new activities
In terms of club life, two new activities have been created: an art painting workshop and another on the manufacture of subjects to decorate the town during festive periods such as Carnival, Easter, Halloween and Christmas.
• ASCL. Grilled cockerel festival and garage sales on Sunday 3 September.
• Metz-Range bigophones. Saturday 1is April: carnival dance party; Saturday 3 June: Bigophones lotto; Saturday 18 November: Beaujolais Nouveau lotto and Sunday 31 December: New Year’s Eve.
• Festival Committee. Sunday March 12: Women’s Fair; Saturday 8 April: egg hunt; Saturday 13 May: Europa Park outing for young people; Sunday June 11: Rhubarb festival and garage sales in Montrequienne; Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 August: Montrequienne patronal feast.
• Basketball. Tuesday 6 and Wednesday 7 June: friendly match and barbecue; Saturday 25 March: Run’range for kids and Sunday 26: Run’range for adults.
• Rurange-Montrequienne judo club. Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 March judo gala.