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“It will determine who is an oligarch and who is not,” Akhmetov named the reason for the conflict with Zelensky

The Ukrainian businessman believes that “someone in the room” should not call others oligarchs, since this will not do Ukraine anything good.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy has no special relationship with economic players, including businessman Rinat Akhmetov. About it told in an interview with Forbes, representatives of the President’s Office (OP).

The OP stated that the state communicates with business only on the basis of the norms of the current legislation.

“They are the same for all players. If any representative of a large business is not satisfied or expects some privileges for himself, this only testifies to his lack of understanding of the modern realities of life in Ukraine,” the officials noted.

Akhmetov said in the same interview that on his part “there is no and could not have been a deterioration in relations.”

Business needs the rule of law from the authorities so that investments are protected by law, respect for the right of private property, fair competition and equal rules of the game for everyone,” he said.

On the development of the conflict between Akhmetov and Zelensky in 2022

The OP is confident that it is important for Zelensky to transform Ukraine into a stable European state. To accomplish this task, you need the equality of all citizens before the law and the court without privileges.

“This also applies to the adopted anti-oligarchic law. Even if some individual large businessman does not want to obey the norms of this or any other law, no one will have any privileges,” Zelensky said.

Akhmetov said to this that everyone should unite around one goal – the creation of a strong, independent, integral, democratic and successful Ukraine.

Oligarchs law

“Anti-oligarchic” law, signed by Zelensky last November, must be done without fail, because it separates business from politics, we are sure of the OP.

Akhmetov believes that the document is not intended to create conditions for fair competition.

Akhmetov is confident that the law against oligarchs will not create fair competition

“There is only a violation of human rights. Because someone in some room, according to incomprehensible criteria, will determine who is an oligarch and who is not. It will not bring anything good to Ukraine and Ukrainians,” the businessman explained.

Recall that the businessman considers himself an investor, not an oligarch, and in the event of a continuation of the conflict with the OP, he intends to defend your rights in Ukrainian or international courts.

Zelensky, during a big press conference on November 26, said how They tried to involve Akhmetov in the “coup”, which was planned for December 1. To these accusations, Akhmetov replied that this is a complete lie.

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