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It will be a snowy weekend here

This weekend you have to go skiing if you live in the north.

There will be snow in Troms and Finnmark, with a falling snow line over the weekend.

On-duty meteorologist in Storm Geo, Ina Ynnesdal, says that the country is characterized by a changing weather throughout the weekend.

Friday starts the weekend quite sour. In the north, the precipitation will come first as rain, but as it gets colder, the precipitation will come in the form of snow.

– The snow line will be 400-600 meters on Friday, but will drop during the weekend, says Ynnesdal.

Ynnesdal says that during the weekend it may snow in the inner areas.

– All the way down to the spring, the precipitation may come as rain, she says.

Changing weather

The south and east do not escape the rain.

Although these areas tend to be sheltered from rainfall, they do not escape the stormy weather.

– There will be a lot of sleet in the south and east of Norway, says Ynnesdal.

But even if the weekend starts with building weather, it will improve over the weekend.

Sunday starts wet, but it will eventually ease somewhat throughout the day.

Although there will be changing weather in the country, there will be little wind, which will make it better visibility at the mountain passes.

It is still not unproblematic to drive over the mountain this weekend.

– If you are going over the mountain, you must be aware that the weather can change, says Ynnesdal.

She hopes people have winter tires on the car before embarking on the drive.

Warm in Bodø

On Thursday, Bodøværingene experienced having 10 plus degrees at the warmest.

Ynnesdal says that this is not a normal temperature in Bodø for the season.

– The average is around 6 plus degrees in the middle of the day.

Bodø residents must unfortunately look far for such temperatures again. At the weekend, the temperature creeps down again to 1 plus degree on Sunday.

This weekend, Friday will be the warmest day in Bodø with 5 plus degrees.

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