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It went viral: with an ax they rescue a dog locked in a car parked in full sun

Just as in our hemisphere we are still in the middle of winter, on the opposite side of the world these days they coexist with temperatures above 30º C. That is why it is imperative to be responsible with the animals that are transported on board and never leave them alone in the indoor: it is estimated that an animal could die after just six minutes in direct sunlight. Now the action of a man in the United Kingdom who encountered precisely one of these cases has gone viral, because the person takes an ax and takes on the task of ending the martyrdom of this pet.

In the United States since last year they have been working on legislation that protects those who act as vigilantes for animals in trouble (see note). This time, according to British reports, the Yorkshire dog would have been locked up for about 40 minutes, so it was presumably already groggy from the heat and the lack of oxygen replacement.

Year after year these types of cases are generated that become well known. For example, In 2016, a particular event occurred in the United States, where a dog remained in a locked car, but its owner left a message warning that the air conditioning was on, that he had water and was listening to his favorite music. Anyway, you also have to weigh the reality that a dog also begins to feel stress from being confined and lonely, so again the recommendation is that a dog should never be left alone in a car.

Brands such as Skoda have also committed themselves in several markets against this type of unsympathetic behavior towards pets.

Finally, to the bad luck of the owner of the car from which this Yorkshire was rescued, the man with the ax was not very good aim and also broke the rear view mirror.

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