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It was right to fire Prymula, most Czechs think

Only about a third of the survey participants think that the cabinet can clearly defend the fight against coronavirus.

As for the evaluation of government measures, however, the majority of Czechs take a neutral position. About half of the respondents said that the cabinet did something well and something bad. 37 percent of people think that the government is managing the epidemic largely poorly. Only 15 percent of Czechs evaluate the government’s actions positively.

The survey was conducted by STEM / MARK on Wednesday 28 October and Thursday 29 October. About a thousand people attended.

The replacement of the Minister of Health has the predominant support among people. Roughly three-fifths of Czechs agree with the departure of the previous minister Roman Prymula and the appointment of Jan Blatný (both for YES) as the new minister. Only 15 percent of respondents disagreed with Blatný’s appointment and 28 percent said they did not know how to react to his appointment. The proportion of people who were bothered by Prymul’s appeal was more significant. Almost two-fifths of Czechs do not agree with his dismissal.

Prymula was also one of the main political actors whom people expressed the utmost confidence in the survey. 56 percent of people now trust the former minister and 42 percent do not. Only the Minister of the Interior and the Chief of the Central Crisis Staff, Jan Hamáček (CSSD), have more significant confidence, with 61 percent of respondents. Only 36 percent of people do not trust him. The Minister of Transport, Industry and Trade Karel Havlíček (for YES) also has more confidence, which 53 percent of people trust and 34 percent do not.

On the contrary, the significant predominance of negative evaluations was earned by Prime Minister Andrej Babiš (YES) and President Miloš Zeman. Only 39 percent of respondents trust Babiš and 32 percent trust Zeman. On the contrary, 59 percent of people expressed confidence in the prime minister and 66 percent in the president.

The new Minister of Health Blatný also has little confidence with 35 percent. However, the share of positive evaluations still prevails, because only 11 percent of Czechs expressed distrust.

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