Home » today » World » It was only after the collapse of the US Sky Eye that the US media discovered that China’s technology is advanced in this area (Photos, with a film)-Hong Kong Economic Times-China Channel-National Trend

It was only after the collapse of the US Sky Eye that the US media discovered that China’s technology is advanced in this area (Photos, with a film)-Hong Kong Economic Times-China Channel-National Trend

As the Sino-US science and technology war is intensifying, the American Arecibo large radio telescope accidentally collapsed last month, making China’s FAST radio telescope in Guizhou the only “eye in the sky” in the world. US media reporters were allowed to visit Guizhou Tianyan for the first time recently and discovered that China’s technology originally surpassed the United States in at least one aspect, including the ability to prevent the “American collapse” from repeating itself.

“Sky Eye” refers to a huge ritual that can receive radio waves from celestial bodies. It can be used to observe celestial bodies and even search for radio waves from alien creatures.

At the end of December, CBS obtained an exclusive license and became the only American media allowed to enter Guizhou Tianyan for filming.

Mainland Observer.com reported that in this interview, CBS reporter Ramy Inocencio exclaimed, “The core equipment of the Sky Eye is the true “the apple of this cosmic eye”.

U.S. media praised China’s Skyeye feeder module as a jewel in the palm

CBS released this video news on December 24 last year. The introduction described “this giant telescope, called the “eye of heaven”, spans more than five football fields.”

At the beginning of the video, the host mentioned the collapse of the Arecibo telescope and contacted China Sky Eye. “Earlier this month (December last year), the world’s second largest radio telescope was used in the 007 movie “GoldenEye”. “The collapse of Arecibo, which appeared in the sci-fi movie “Contact” and the science fiction movie “Contact”.

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The U.S. “Sky Eye” collapsed on the same day that Chang’e 5 fell

Afterwards, the screen shifted to Ying Ruoming, a CBS Asian reporter who was visiting China Sky Eye. He said, “Sky Eye, means “eye of heaven” in Chinese. In more than a year, engineers placed more than 4,000 aluminum plates to build this telescope to locate the mysterious rapid radio burst in the universe. Search for extraterrestrial life”.

Wang Qiming, director of China Skyeye’s FAST Operations and Development Center, told CBS, “Our (telescope) has the highest sensitivity in the world”.

The weight of the feed cabin platform is only 3% in the United States

Then the CBS report found that China’s celestial eye has two characteristics. Among them, the feed cabin is ultra-light, and the technology may surpass the collapsed Arecibo radio telescope in the United States.

One is the core equipment of the “Sky Eye”-the weight of the feeder cabin platform is only 30 tons, and only a light support system can be used. On the contrary, the US Arecibo’s feeder platform weighs nearly 1,000 tons. It is worth noting that the Arecibo collapse last month was caused by the breaking of all three steel cables supporting the feed platform.

The second is the electromagnetic wave quiet protection zone. Ying Ruoming pointed out, “Here, I also found a very interesting thing, within 5 kilometers of the sky eye is designated as “electromagnetic wave tranquility protection zone”, because scientists hope to receive millions of light years. Electromagnetic waves outside, not the cell phone signals of nearby passers-by.”

The U.S. Skyeye collapsed because the feeder module platform is overwhelming

Because FAST observes weak electromagnetic signals from distant celestial bodies in the universe, it requires extremely low electromagnetic interference at the site. In order to achieve scientific observation goals, reduce conventional strong interference sources, and protect the good radio environment around FAST.

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“China Sky Eye” first discovered 2 new pulsars 16,000 light-years away from Earth

At the end of the video, a scene of the collapse of the Arecibo telescope was played again. Ying Ruoming said in the narration, “A few weeks ago, after the Arecibo telescope in Puerto Rico collapsed, the Chinese Skyeye Telescope is now more important to the world. Taller”.

In addition, the National Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences announced that China Sky Eye will be officially opened to the global scientific community on April 1 this year, soliciting observation applications from global scientists.

The American Sky Eye Arecibo collapsed last month:

US media reported that China’s Guizhou Sky Eye:

Construction process of Tianyan in Guizhou, China:

The construction process of China Sky Eye.

The collapse process of the U.S. Skyeye feeder bin:

The collapse process of the American Skyeye Arecibo feeder warehouse.

Editor in charge: Deng Guoqiang

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