Home » today » News » It was heard about the quiet volunteer in the fight against COVID, Dr. Kadir Jamfer after a scandal with a kid, and not about the dozens of infected people he saved.

It was heard about the quiet volunteer in the fight against COVID, Dr. Kadir Jamfer after a scandal with a kid, and not about the dozens of infected people he saved.

For more than a year, the doctor was harassed by teenage girls in the neighborhood and finally exploded

He was detained in the Third Regional Police Department, where he was forced to hold a car tire over his head for hours and hit with a bottle of mineral water.

Probably out of fear and to get out of custody, the 37-year-old man first signed that he had no claims against the uniformed men, but an hour later filed a complaint that he had been beaten and humiliated.

Did Dr. Kadir Jamfer deserve to be in custody for an argument with a teenager whose phone he took? This is the question asked by his patients, colleagues and friends who have known him for years.

Dr. Jamfer is an endocrinologist, but has worked as a frontline volunteer against the coronavirus since the first day of the pandemic. However, the medic did not become popular with his work, and when Nova TV broadcast footage from a security camera

how to pull and


13 years old


in front of their block in the capital’s Holy Trinity district. He was detained by the police after the incident. It turns out that their parents and the doctor’s colleagues know about his problems with his teenage neighbors. “24 Hours” called Jamfer on his mobile phone, but he did not want to talk about what happened.

The story of the 37-year-old doctor’s dispute with schoolgirl Chrissy began more than a year ago. He was harassed by the girl and her friends.

They are his

made fun of

shouted next

him, rang on

his door and

ran away

To those who do not know Dr. Jamfer, he seems a closed and special person. Probably that’s why he has become the subject of jokes by teenage girls in the neighborhood.

The mother of the girl he attacked – Zdravka Maiska, confirmed to Nova TV that there was a background.

“More than a year ago, Mr. Jamfer had threatened my daughter that they would meet alone in the elevator and then she would see. My husband and I asked what the case was, and the answer was, “Children are ringing the bell and running up the stairs.” He assumed that one of them was our daughter. We told him he was wrong because we are very far from these floors. Then we asked him to have anything to do with our daughter’s attitude and problem – to give orders and talk to us “, the woman claims.

Colleagues of Dr. Jamfer from the two hospitals where he works told “24 Chasa” that

he is theirs

shared for


harassment on which

is subjected

from adolescents.

On September 1, the doctor went out in the evening. Chrissy and her friends were sitting on the bench in front of the block in the Holy Trinity district. The doctor passed them. This can be seen on the security camera of the unit. The next few seconds show another girl from the company twice putting her hand in front of the teenager’s mouth.

Then Dr. Jamfer comes back and attacks her. He pulls the phone out of her hand and returns to the block. The girl follows him, and inside the two pull together again. The doctor pushes her and pulls her. The girl’s mother’s version is different. “There were no remarks from the girls. They watched something on the internet and talked about it. “Mr. Jamfer told me that my daughter greeted him with ‘Hello!’

The woman explained that the 13-year-old girl had returned home in semi-hysteria. She and her father immediately went down to find out what had happened. “One of the other children was crying because it was certain that Chrissy had been killed inside. They went to seek help, “said the mother of the injured girl.

According to “24 Chasa”, after the father came down, he took several more people with him.

An argument ensued, and when Kadir arrived, only Kadir Jamfer was detained. He was taken to the capital’s 3rd police station. He claims to have been beaten and humiliated.

More informal


the cops have it

made him hold


rubber over

your head

and insulted him. He was also hit with bottles of mineral water. With such blows no bruises remain on the body. The Sofia Directorate of the Interior told 24 Chassa that Jamfer had filed a complaint of harassment during his detention and that the case was under investigation. It is specified that when he was released, he signed a declaration that he had no claims for the time during which he was detained. However, he later returned and filed a complaint that he had been beaten. And the doctor’s colleagues wonder why he was arrested and humiliated.

Eight days after the incident, no charges have been filed against Dr. Jamfer, his lawyer Emanuil Yordanov told 24 Chassa. According to him, the child’s parents can seek their rights in a civil or private criminal case, if it is true that there is a fight.

“It’s strange to me how noise can be made in such a case. This is everyday life in Sofia. There are much more serious cases of crimes that are not being worked on, “said lawyer Yordanov. He added that the harassment of his client by the children had lasted for months and no one had taken action.

“The girl has made insulting remarks of a personal nature to him and this has been going on for months. He picked up her phone because he wanted to see his parents, but he didn’t know exactly where they lived. He expected that when he picked up the phone, the parents would find it, because the child knew very well where his apartment was, “the former interior minister added.

Yordanov also said that the main thing that worried Jamfer was the endless insults and mockery.

According to lawyer Yordanov, the detention of his client was illegal. “It simply came to our notice then. When I asked for his detention order, I saw a form with absolutely nothing on it as text. That is, he does not have a real order that he can appeal to the court. I do not think that in such a case detention is necessary “, added Emanuil Yordanov.

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