Home » today » World » It was born during the Kangxi period! I Lived To Be 256 And Married 24 Wives, But I Saw It With My Own: The Qing Dynasty Is Dead | News | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

It was born during the Kangxi period! I Lived To Be 256 And Married 24 Wives, But I Saw It With My Own: The Qing Dynasty Is Dead | News | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

Continental Center / Full Report

▲ Li Qingyuan lived another 22 years after the fall of the Qing Dynasty. (Image/flip from Baidu Encyclopedia)

Longevity is a topic that human beings always discuss. There have been many legends of long-lived people in Chinese history, such as Peng Zu who lived for more than 800 years. In the case of such a low medical standard in ancient times, there was a person who was born in the reign of the Kangxi Emperor and eventually lived to be 256 years old, witnessed the end of the Qing Dynasty, and lived through nine generations of the Qing Dynasty in the Republic of China.

This strange man from the Qing Dynasty was Li Qingyuan. According to historical records, Li Qingyuan (also known as Li Qingyun) was the longest-lived person in modern China. His life is 256 years. He had 24 wives and 180 descendants. During his lifetime, he witnessed the entire process of the Qing Dynasty from prosperity to decline to its demise and the establishment of the Republic of China, and saw the relatives around him die one by one one.

In 1927, the old man Li Qingyuan was invited by the then warlord leader Yang Sen to visit his house and also to ask the secret of longevity. At that time, the warlord also prepared a new set of clothes for the old man and took a photo for the old man. Once the photo was released, he shocked the world. Yang Sen also wrote a report on Li Qingyuan, titled “A True Record of a Long-Lived Man of 250 Years.”

In 1932, the elder accepted a special interview with Liu Chengxun from his hometown. During the period, the old man talked about his research and achievements in traditional Chinese medicine and health preservation techniques. According to him, a person’s life span depends on his own vitality, which comes from the natural, but can grow slowly under the nourishment of the day after tomorrow: this is the source of life.

Of course, because a person can live to be 256 years old, this secret of longevity is curious: in 1928, Li Qingyuan wrote the book “The Secret of Immortality”. He didn’t mention age in the book, but he said the key to longevity lies in Qigong fitness. Li Qingyuan proposed using the method of “combining hardness and softness and harmonizing yin and yang” to exercise the body. He believes there are three reasons for his health and longevity: one is a long-term vegetarian diet;

And Li Qingyuan once said a very famous saying: “Hunger, cold, pain, parents can not replace, old age, sickness and death, wife can not replace. Only the way of self-love and of self-sufficiency is the principle and key to health. preservation.”

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