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It was applied for the first time in the world in Diyarbakır! Turkish radiation therapy for coronavirus

Last minute.. for the first time in the world Diyarbakirradiation therapy in Turkey coronavirus (corona virus) treatment. Diyarbakır Provincial Health Director Cihan Tekin, Diyarbakır Gazi Yaşargil Training and Research Hospital Chief Assoc. Dr. Erkan Baysal and Gazi University Cardiovascular Surgeon Dr. During the press conference he held with Hikmet Selçuk Gedik, Prof. Dr. He said that he was administered to a 46-year-old male patient who was hospitalized with the diagnosis of new coronavirus (Kovid, 19) under the coordination of Gedik.

Stating that they had the opportunity to apply on a patient, Tekin said:

“We have implemented the Turkish-ray treatment project on a patient in Diyarbakir for the first time. We perform here a citizen of the treatment process infected related coronavirus. All of you known many different and successful, especially the Ministry of Health in Turkey corona treatment and a lot of different methods applied by the Turkish physicians however, today the method that our teacher has carried out is the first in the world. “



Stating that they obtained the results of their application in a patient in intensive care unit with positive test results, Tekin continued as follows:

“Kovid positive as a display of our patients negative return is good news on behalf of both Diyarbakir both our Turkey to announce to the whole world Diyarbakir here indeed a proud statement. Of course Diyarbakir particular region of a province which is really important in terms provinces.

Especially with its technical infrastructure and its own staff, it has accomplished serious works. Today, we have gathered together on this occasion. We frankly share the pride of writing this success story first in Diyarbakır. I wish good luck to all our citizens from my Lord. Diyarbakir is standing tall, he should have to fight Diyarbakir Kovid permission of Allah we will achieve a good success in Turkey and I hope we will soon be freed from Kovid in. “

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Chief physician Baysal also said that the patient applied to the emergency department with fever, cough and shortness of breath, and they diagnosed severe pneumonia in the patient’s examinations.

notifying made test yatırdıklarını patient in the intensive care unit of a positive Baysal, “Then we have determined that compliance with valuable teachers with consultation whether Turkish radiation treatment project of our patients, and we decided to apply this procedure to our patients today. In Gazi Yaşargil Training and Research Hospital will not only in Turkey I want to express our pride that we are a center of firsts. ” he spoke.


Professor Dr. Gedik, on the other hand, said that when they conveyed the demand of Diyarbakır to be a center in the project, they said “yes” with heart and enthusiasm.

Gedik said, “Unfortunately, Diyarbakır, which has recently been at the forefront of covid disease, actually needed this morale. We were thirsty for success in this treatment method where we experienced a paradigm shift. Neither drug nor vaccine. it is a proud picture for me. ” used expressions.

Gedik stated that in order to perform such a treatment, a high technological infrastructure and trained manpower should be available and these are available in Diyarbakır.


In this way, Gedik reiterated that they have carried out the most important stage of Turkish beam therapy in Diyarbakır today and said, “We have applied this treatment to our patient in Diyarbakır by applying ultraviolet ray therapy both in vein and respiratory tract to a fiberoptic cathedral.” said.

Gedik made the following evaluations:

“With the definitive results we learned, the samples we received directly from the respiratory tract and the blood at the deep points of the patient after the procedure were negative from 3.01. I would like to present the pride of achieving this result here today, besides myself, to the Diyarbakır and the Turkish nation. Of course, these opportunities are not easy opportunities. you can find these opportunities even in Diyarbakir conditions now no longer a voice from the world and from Turkey. a glimmer of hope came from Diyarbakir. in the past it was not very possible to find these terms.

I would like to thank all my elders who stand behind us, especially our President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, to the Ministry of Health, Gazi University, Yeditepe University and Health Sciences University professors, and my dear friends who have made this project a reality. “

news-img-link" data-origin-url="https://i4.hurimg.com/i/hurriyet/75/0x0/5ef63f3e0f25443248f1aeb7">Breaking news: First applied in Diyarbakır in the world Turkish beam therapy for coronavirus

Since the beginning of this study were planning at New York University, but first they want to perform in Turkey Gedik states, “At the point we have reached today and tranquility in our country, we are proud of having successfully completed this work.” used expressions.

Gedik declared that there was a common mind and completed his speech as follows:

“Of course, this would require a common will and I extend my many thanks to our President at the top of this Issue will. I am very happy today, I hope you all for Diyarbakir Turkey as a message to the whole world.”


Mahmut Orak, the patient for whom the treatment was applied, said that they felt bad with his family on 18 June and were brought to the Training and Research Hospital by ambulances.

Stating that he started drug treatment after his test was positive, Orak said, “I stayed at home for 5 days, then went to the hospital when it was bad. I accepted the beam treatment. The delegation came from Ankara. They did the beam treatment. They passed out. Then I woke up. Now my situation is very good. I did not suffer any pain and pain. Thank you for all the efforts. ” said.


Turkish Beam Therapy Method was first established and developed by Turkish scientists under the name of “TurkishBeam Selective-Sensitive UVC and Laser Therapy” and “TurkishBeam” for short. I turkishbea, major medical device companies worldwide originated in Turkey RD Global ınvamed the 3-year results of research and development activities emerged.

RD Global INVAMED, which has been carrying out studies on pathogens and microorganisms that cause infection with this treatment method since 2017, continued to focus on Kovid-19 intensively since November 2019.

news-img-link" data-origin-url="https://i4.hurimg.com/i/hurriyet/75/0x0/5ef63f3e0f25443248f1aebc">Breaking news: First applied in Diyarbakır in the world Turkish beam therapy for coronavirus

After receiving positive and promising results regarding the treatment of viral diseases such as Kovid-19 and similar animal studies, a clinical study application was made to the Ministry of Health and the application was approved on May 4, 2020.

Following the approval, while the necessary studies for the implementation of humans were being initiated, “TurkishBeam Turkish Radiation Therapy” was officially invited by the Cleveland Clinic of the USA and New York University for testing and analysis.

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