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It turns out that this is why people buy LIVE fuel even though it is more expensive than Pertalite


Perthalite of Pertamina will have competitors. The reason is that VIVO service stations will launch Revvo with RON 90.

The news that the VIVO service station will sell fuel at 90 RON was confirmed by the director of commercial development of oil and gas downstream, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Maompang Harahap. However, he made sure that the Revvo 90 did not receive subsidies.

There is a possibility that the Revvo 90 is more expensive than the Pertalite. Because VIVO fuel with 89 octane, namely Revvo 89, is now sold for Rp. 11,600 / liter.


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The detikcom team interviewed several VIVO BBM users at VIVO service stations in the Pasar Minggu area, south of Jakarta. Even though it is sold more expensive, VIVO BBM consumers admit that they will still buy the Revvo 90.

“It doesn’t matter (if it’s more expensive). I’ve been using VIVO for a week, it’s good because it’s easier when the bike is running,” an online motorcycle taxi driver named Korim told detikcom on Monday (10/10). 10/2022).

Korim admitted that it had only been a few weeks since he bought VIVO BBM. However, he believes the VIVO BBM is suitable for his vehicle.

Another consumer named Taufan also agrees with Korim. He will still buy the Revvo 90 even if the price is more expensive than Pertalite. According to him, VIVO fuel is more durable when used.

“I’ve only been using it for a few days, when it comes to the engine it doesn’t seem like that to me. It’s just a little bit more durable,” he said.

The same thing was relayed by Tufan, a man who works as an ATM repairman. He has moved to BBM VIVO since the government raised the price of Pertalite.

“This (BBM VIVO) is more durable. Yes, it is expensive at Rp. 1,000 per liter, but I can buy Rp. 10,000.

The detikcom team is trying to confirm when the Revvo 90 will be sold. Although several service stations have confirmed that they would sell Revvo 90 fuel, the timing of the sale and price could not be ascertained.

(hn / hn)

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