JAKARTA, iNews.id – During the pandemic, people only focus on Covid-19 and ignore other infectious diseases. This is evidenced by the decline in case reports tuberculosis (TB) in Indonesia. This proves the lack of public awareness to check themselves.
Welcome World Tuberculosis Day which falls on March 24, 2021, Pulmonologist, dr. Erlina Burhan explained that there are many things that can be taken during a pandemic. The momentum of the Covid-19 pandemic should be increased to obtain case findings.
“Because currently TB officers also receive additional burdens, namely tracing and testing. Two things that can actually be used for tuberculosis (TB). Tracing for Covid-19 can be used to investigate contacts to find cases at homes and in the community, “said dr. Erlina, in the ‘Peak of World Tuberculosis Day Commemoration’, Wednesday (24/3/2021).
As a result, TB officers who used to conduct interviews with the community and carry out testing, can now be used in conjunction with the Covid-19 examination. A person can be interviewed for TB and also carry postpartum. In this way the government can also find TB cases earlier.
“The government can provide direct education to the community and provide a way to get treatment. With the challenges that we hope for, hopefully the TB program in Indonesia will be even more successful so that TB elimination in 2030 will be achieved, “he said again.
Editor: Dyah Ayu Pamela