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It turns out that 2 KPK leaders replacing Lili, Jokowi’s Choice, had 0 votes in the DPR


Two names of KPK leadership candidates are ready for replacement Lili Pintauli Siregar, which is backwards. However, it turned out that the two heads of the KPK had previously received zero votes in the DPR.

The two people proposed by Jokowi are I Nyoman Wara and Johanis Tanak. Jokowi is known for proposing these two names as replacements Lili Ask the DPR.

Lili Pintauli Siregar is known for having resigned as KPK commissioner in the midst of a whirlwind of controversy over alleged ethical violations. KPK supervisory board chairman Tumpak H Panggabean said Lili’s replacement was in the hands of President Jokowi. The rules are set out in law no. 19 of 2019 relating to the KPK.


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Nyoman Wara and Johanis Tanak turned out to be zero votes during the determination of the leadership of the KPK on 13 September 2019 by the III Committee of the DPR. The determination is made through a voting or voting mechanism.

At that moment, the members of Commission III deposited the ballot papers in the appropriate box in the middle of the meeting. Then, the counting process begins.

There were three people who got zero votes in the ballot. Two of them are Johanis and I Nyoman Wara. Below are the results of the vote in Commission III of the Presidential Decree in 2019:

– Alexander Marwata 53 votes
– Firli Bahuri 56 votes
– Johanis Tanak 0 votes
– Luthfi Jayadi Kurniawan 7 votes
– Roby Arya Brata 0 votes
– Lili Pintauli Siregar 44 votes
– Nurul Ghufron 51 votes
– Sigit Danang Joyo 19 votes
– Nawawi Pomolango 50 votes
– I Nyoman Wara 0 votes

“With this, we have taken five, Nawawi, Lili Pintauli, Nurul Ghufron, Alexander Marwata and Firli Bahuri”, said on Friday (13/9/2019) the president of Commission III of the DPR who chaired the meeting, Azis Syamsuddin.

Watch the video: Jokowi proposes 2 names of candidates for KPK leaders to replace Lili Pintauli

[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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