Home » Health » It Turns Out Every Day Humans Consume Snot, How Can You Prevent It?

It Turns Out Every Day Humans Consume Snot, How Can You Prevent It?

TRIBUNPONTIANAK.CO.ID – You may ask, is it true that humans drink their noses without realizing it?

Usually, snot is synonymous with a cold or flu.

Yes, when you have a cold or flu, your nose is usually blocked.

Humans then try to blow their nose to feel relieved.

But, you know what? Humans actually produce up to 1 liter of snot every day and end up swallowing it unconsciously.

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How can snot be swallowed every day?

So, snot or mucus, is produced by the mucous glands in the throat, nose, and around the lungs.

Under normal conditions, snot or mucus produced by the mucous glands in the nose is eliminated by itself.

Mucus from the nose will go to the nasal passages, moving towards the esophagus with the help of fine hairs called cilia.

Then enters the digestive tract, and is swallowed.

Snot more when sick. However, when sick, the body does not work normally.

The body may also make more mucus.

Combined with the swelling of the nasal passages when you have a cold, the snot eventually gets stuck a lot and causes a stuffy nose.

Humans are often busy blowing their nose which is a source of blockage.

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Source: Kompas.com

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